※ 引述《forwind (How if...)》之铭言:
: 有点纳闷
: agoda的回馈点数跟 PointsMax 计划得到的点数是否可同时拥有?
: 我如果选了华航或任何一间航空,我在订 agoda 房间时还是能够得到回馈点数吗?
: 还是开了 pointsmax 回馈点数就没了呢?
: 希望有人可解惑 感恩!
: (我的是旧帐号,正常会有回馈点数的)
Please noted that when you make new booking, you can dredeem reward points
and add airline account for pointmax at the sam time, after you log into
account if you choose airline of pointmax, you still can get reward points.