Re: [问题] AE国泰无法加入马可波罗?

楼主: aspala (Stay Positive)   2016-04-10 04:48:43
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for contacting the Marco Polo Club Service Centre.
We are sorry to hear of the problems you encountered when trying to
apply for The Marco Polo Club membership online recently. To help us
locate your membership profile and look into your request, we shall be
grateful if you could provide the following details by return email for
security verification purposes:
- Your 10-digit Asia Miles membership number (if any):
- Your surname:
- Your given names:
- Your date of birth (ddmmmyyyy):
- Your registered mailing address:
- Your registered contact number:
- Last 3 digits of your passport number (if registered):
If we are unable to locate your profile, we will then use the above
information to set up a new profile for you as quickly as possible.
Just to let you know that there is a one-off enrolment fee of USD50
(before 15 April 2016) for the application of The Marco Polo Club
membership. However, principal cardholders of Cathay Pacific/Asia Miles
co-branded credit cards can enjoy the USD50 enrolment fee waiver for
direct entry into The Marco Polo Club at Green tier. If this does not
apply to you, please provide the following credit card information by
return email for the collection of USD50:
- Your credit card number and type (i.e. Visa, MasterCard, American
Express, Diners Club International):
- Exact name on credit card:
- Expiry date on credit card:
To protect your security, please send your credit card details in two
separate emails. We look forward to hearing from you again.
※ 引述《loveu (Henry Chen)》之铭言:
: 标题: [问题] AE国泰无法加入马可波罗?
: 时间: Fri Apr 1 12:08:57 2016
: 大家好,小弟已经先爬过文,因为想要加入马可波罗会员而去办了张AE的国泰联名卡。
: 但是问题来了,我从国泰的官网上要加入马可波罗会员,他们的网页似乎怪怪的...
: 一开始的选项为 阁下是否为“亚洲万里通”会员?
: 选是,并填完帐号密码,按下确认就没反应了。
: 但此时若我点“否”,便出现表格让我填写,且一些基本资讯已经在上面,只剩信用卡
: 的部分要填写。
: 此时我填完AE国泰卡的卡号资料,并勾选“本人是指定国泰航空联营信用卡持有人”,按
: 送出后,网页就呈现一直在Loading的画面...
: 我也试过从一开始选是/否为亚洲万里通会员,选否后开始填写,他会跳出要我直接以
: 亚万的会员登入。
: 小弟已经打过N通电话,AE客服说直接去国泰网站申请,AE襄理说是国泰网站的问题,
: 国泰一次说是AE应该要负责帮我申请,一次说使用亚万的会员就好跟马可波罗的绿卡是
: 一样的,香港的马可波罗(大陆人)说换个浏览器试试/无法协助,亚洲万里通说不清楚
: 有这样的情况,以上,小弟就像皮球一样踢来踢去。备注,我的AE国泰卡(非尊尚)是在
: 3月中核卡的。
: 请问各位有过相关的经验能帮助小弟吗?
: 另外想请教各位帅哥美女,依小弟的情况,要累积哪家航空较为适当呢?
: 小弟的BASE在台南,高雄飞较方便,一年会去东南亚一趟,日本一趟,纽澳一趟,
: 美国/欧洲各一趟,之前的里程都零星的累积在A3/华航/长荣,目前已经有向D3大请教
: 冲AA的白金卡,请问AA冲完后,我的里程要累积在哪家航空较适合呢?
: 先谢过各位帅哥美女了。
作者: loveu (Henry Chen)   2016-04-11 12:17:00
作者: ventureboy (venture)   2016-04-10 12:18:00

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