Dear Expedia Customer,
Your Expedia purchase xxxxxxxxxxxxx has been cancelled due the following reasons:
To make this purchase, you used a coupon that was made available to Discover® cardholders for purchases made on their Discover card. This coupon was improperly distributed to some non-Discover cardholders and improperly used for purchases made with cards other than Discover cards. The terms and conditions of the coupon require that a Discover card be used for payment. The terms and conditions of the coupon also include other restrictions including a prohibition on the use of more than one coupon per
account and a restriction limiting use of the coupon to U.S. customers. For your reference, below is a copy of the coupon that you used.
: Expedia美国站限定~
: US$100 off a 3 night stay: DISCVR105
: US$150 off a 4 night stay: DISCVR151
: US$200 off a 5 night stay: DISCVR201
: 订房日期:即日至2015年3月15日 (或额满即止)
: 入住日期:即日至2015年8月25日
: ==========================================
: 要记得返利啊~~~~ 看起来ebates和befrugal都不错
: 立马把暑假的7-night stay拆成两笔
: 又省了250镁 科科~