※ 引述《coolfish1103 (Fish)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《aaaaaaaaame (no)》之铭言:
: : 目前飞茶说 雅高这个活动已经下架
: : 连AC也下架了......
: : http://www.flyertea.com/thread-326465-1-1.html
: : → crimsonn: ft有回复说会honor之前的预定 不知真假 10/29 08:53
: 应该是真的,因为发言的帐号有被认证为雅高的人。
: 大概翻一下。
: Accor Concierge
: Company Representative - Accor
: Hello Everyone,
: I have been following this thread throughout the day and contacted HQ
: following your concerns. I have just received the following information about
: the Air Canada offer:
: 我有一直持续的在关心此讨论串且有与公司高层讨论过您们大家的担忧。我刚刚收到了这
: 次加航优惠的最新讯息:
: - The offer expired at midnight (Paris time) yesterday the 27th October. Due
: to an unexpected amount of participants the number of rooms available for
: this offer were quickly filled up.
: 这个活动于巴黎时间 10/27 午夜结束。结束的主要原因是有太多人参与,房间不够。
: - However, not to panic! All reservations made before midnight on the 27th
: will be taken into account and you will receive the 10 000 bonus points!
: 但是请不要担心!所有 10/27 午夜之前所预订的房间都符合规定且会收到 10K 点数。
: - There are no plans to reactivate or continue this specific offer at the
: moment.
: 目前没有任何计画重启或者是继续此优惠。
: Accor would like to thank its members for their, albeit unexpected,
: enthusiasm and regret that the original expiration date could not be
: maintained.
: 雅高感谢会员的支持,虽然有点意外,但还是很遗憾的通知大家无法保留原优惠效期。
: I hope this clears about the main concerns you have been discussing.
: If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to get in touch via private
: message or on this thread! I will do my best to answer everyone asap.
: Best Regards,
: Amy
: 而 T&C 里面的确有提到要看有没有房间:
: 10. This offer is subject to room availability. General sales terms and
: conditions apply for reserved public rates specific to each hotel.
(我手快 活动前一共订了5晚
Le Club Accorhotels thanks you for your participation in the 5 000 miles offer
with Aeroplan. Many of you wish to benefit, the offer is a smash success, the
number of rooms available for this offer has already been reached.
It is with regret that we cannot accept any new bookings for this offer.
Your Le Club Accorhotels team.
This offer is valid for a stay from 10/1/14 to 12/31/14 in one of the particip
ating hotels, and booked between 10/1/14 and 10/27/14.