※ 引述《reinstall (Why life is so short?)》之铭言:
: 注册连结
: Sign up and receive up to €160 in points
: Exclusive Le Club Accorhotels offer
: The more you stay, the more points you receive:
: - your 1st stay earns you 1,000 points in addition to your usual points,
: - your 2nd stay earns you 3,000 points in addition to your usual points,
: - your 3rd stay earns you 4,000 points in addition to your usual points.
: In total, you can receive up to 8,000 extra points, that is €160 to use on
: your future stays.
: To sign up for this offer, just:
: 1. Click on "Sign up for the offer"
: 2. Fill in your personal details to confirm your subscription
: 3. Book until 5 October 2014 one to three stays in our hotels for stays until
: 31 December 2014.
: 在10/5前订
: 到年底前 第一晚多送1000点 第二晚多送3000 第三晚多送4000
: 配合返利 回馈率高得吓人?!
: 不过要先记得注册就是!
没有什么旅游的目标完全是去刷房 所以想要用最低的成本完成(以ibis为主)
上了官网看深圳没有ibis 要到东莞才有 另外附近的话广州跟中山也有
想问一下各位 如果在考虑包含车费交通总费用的话 会建议怎么完成这3个stay呢??
因为完全没去过广东 也不知道当地交通的状况 网络上查了很久还是一头雾水
怕说为了住便宜的ibis却多花了车费交通费 或是旅馆位在很偏僻交通不便的地方
麻烦各位帮忙解惑了 非常感谢 ^^