如果买超过40K,每点约1.71cent,可能对于Cat 1 and 7的C+P来说有点赚头
ps.这次活动应该还是经point.com,幸运的话可能可以cash back?
Exclusive offer for our valued members: Enjoy up to a 40% bonus when you buy
5,000 or more points. Offer ends August 18, 2014.
Purchase 5,000 to 19,000 points and receive a 20% bonus
Purchase 20,000 to 39,000 points and receive a 30% bonus
Purchase 40,000 to 55,000 points and receive a 40% bonus
Offer available for purchases made between 12:00 am ET Aug 4, 2014 and 11:59
pm ET Aug 18, 2014. Bonus points will be awarded upon completion of
individual transactions. Offer only available when points are purchased for
the purchaser's account. Offer not valid for transactions gifting points.
Offer may be withdrawn or changed without notice. Offer cannot be combined
with any other offer. Only purchases made online are eligible for the
Price includes all applicable fees. GST/HST will be charged to Canadian
residents. This transaction is completed by Points.com. Purchased points are
not refundable and transactions are non-reversible. Purchased points are
applicable toward all Hyatt Gold Passport awards. Points purchased using this
option will post within 48 hours. Purchased points do not count toward Hyatt
Gold Passport elite membership tiers. All Hyatt Gold Passport Terms and
Conditions apply.