nashO8 (奈许欧爸)
2019-01-20 17:40:09It's not difficult to confer death
Two of us, at the middle of night, discussing your tumbling condition.
"Is there a chance for him?" your wife came up to us and asked.
"We're running out of options. I'm sorry to tell you,
death may be announced upon him at any time"
I said.
Her eyes poured out in tears.
Minutes later, your blood pressure was dropping.
You did not respond to your wife's howling.
Your pulse weakened, then disappeared
We dislodged those monitors that were fixed on your sullen body.
"He's dead, on 3:03 A.M." I announced.
She bursted into screaming.
The staffs came.They put you on with a thin white cloth.
I left the room and arrived at the doctor's longue.
Covered myself with a thick quilt.
Dayum! it's cold here.
It's the fifth time since I've annouced death this month.
It's not difficult to confer death.
But death
is immensely difficult to accept.