[创作] FAITH

楼主: DamianNing (达米安甯)   2019-02-25 16:34:00
Could you really understand what I mean
when I asked you that,”who’s the god should I believe ?
All the things you’ve shown me,the rainy season,the flowers bloomed,the night
we made love,the summer afternoon,the books that I’ve read,the songs you’ve
played for me,the marijuana I’ve never had a chance to smoke ,and the dreams
I’ve forgotten,could only hypnotize me for a blink.
Could you truly understand what I mean when I told you that everything is hund
red percent true and fake at the same time?
The moments flew by,and there’s everlasting,they’re permanent but brief,like
a blow by of a storm ,and like tohe sand lay down by the shore.
I’ve been trying to told you that everything I know,but you said the world is
Yeah, Earth is round and the world we’re living in is big,so many things wait
ing to be discovered,to be analyzed,to be deconstructed. We’re stuck on the d
ot of the life’circle,rotating till someone breaks it down, then we’ll die ,
and birth.
“Who made god the God,human beings created the God ,pray , confess, seek for
the help. He’s the creator,but also the creation.”

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