[读诗] 受伤的小孩 ◎玛格丽特.爱特伍

楼主: ychichi ( )   2016-05-13 03:10:18
〈受伤的小孩〉∣ 〈The Hurt Child〉
◎玛格丽特.爱特伍 ∣ ◎Margaret Atwood
受伤的小孩会咬你 ∣ The hurt child will bite you.
受伤的小孩会化身 ∣ The hurt child will turn
可怕的怪物 ∣ into a fearsome creature
来咬你。 ∣ and bite you where you stand.
受伤的小孩长出一层皮肤 ∣ The hurt child will grow a skin
盖住你送的伤口 ∣ over the wound you have given it
──也不能说是送的,因为伤口 ∣ – or not given, because the wound
不是礼物,礼物是不一定 ∣ is not a gift, a gift is accepted
要收的,小孩没得选择。 ∣ freely, and the child had no choice.
它长出一层皮肤盖住伤口 ∣ It will grow a skin over the wound,
珍藏的伤口、代代相传的伤口 ∣ the hoarded wound, the heirloom wound
你从身上挖出来像挖出一枚子弹 ∣ you have pried out of yourself like a bullet
植入它的肉── ∣ and implanted in its flesh –
植入皮肤兽皮毛皮 ∣ a skin a hide a pelt
植入烫伤的外皮 ∣ a scalded rind,
植入鱼类的尖齿 ∣ and sharp fish teeth
像乳牙── ∣ like a warped baby's –
然后它会咬你 ∣ and it will bite you
你会喊犯规 ∣ and you will cry foul
你就是会喊犯规 ∣ as is your habit
然后会打架 ∣ and there will be a fight
因为你会让打架派上用场 ∣ because you'll take the fight out of the box
标著打架你一直好好收著 ∣ labelled Fights you keep so carefully stored
以防万一,万一就是现在, ∣ against emergencies, and this is one,
受伤的小孩会打输 ∣ and the hurt child will lose the fight
它会跌跌撞撞 ∣ and it will go lurching off
闯进郊区,在药妆店 ∣ into the suburbs, and it will cause
造成恐慌毁掉 ∣ panic in drugstores and havoc
大家的烤肉 ∣ among the barbecues
他们会说救命救命有个怪物 ∣ and they will say Help help a monster
它会上新闻 ∣ and it will get into the news
它会被追捕 ∣ and it will be hunted
猎犬出动,而它留下踪迹 ∣ with dogs, and it will leave a trail
留下发、毛、鳞片、乳牙和眼泪 ∣ of hair,fur,scales,and baby teeth,and tears
留下被碎玻璃之类 ∣ from where it has been ripped
扯下的东西 ∣ by broken glass and such
它会躲进山洞 ∣ and it will hide in culverts
躲进工具间、树丛下 ∣ in toolsheds, under shrubs,
舔它的伤口,舔它的狂怒 ∣ licking its wound, its rage,
你送它的狂怒 ∣ the rage you gave it
它会拖着身体寻找一口井 ∣ and it will drag itself to the well
寻找湖泊溪流水库 ∣ the lake the stream the reservoir
因为它渴 ∣ because it is thirsty
因为它像怪物一样 ∣ because it is monstrous
像怪物一样渴 ∣ with its raging thirst
渴让它看起来长满了刺 ∣ which looks like spines all over it
狗和猎人会找到它 ∣ and the dogs and the hunters will find it
它不会再逃 ∣ and it will stand at bay
而是哀嚎不公平 ∣ and howl about injustices
它会被开肠剖肚 ∣ and it will be torn open
心脏会被吃掉 ∣ and they will eat its heart
所有人会欢欣鼓舞 ∣ and everyone will cheer,
谢天谢地都结束了! ∣ Thank god that's over!
小孩的血会渗入水脉 ∣ And its blood will seep into the water
你会每天喝。 ∣ and you will drink it every day.
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