※ 引述《pig (欢迎加入猪头党)》之铭言:
: 苹果新一代 iPad Pro 正式发表!芯片、萤幕皆超越 Mac 笔电
: https://3c.ltn.com.tw/news/58061
: M4 首发在 iPad Pro 上,价钱没涨算可以接受
: 不过我比较想等 mini 就是 :p
You can upgrade the iPad Pro's processor now, too
"When you cough up the $600 it costs to jump from the 256GB base
model iPad Pro to the 1TB version, Apple doesn't just double the
RAM along with that — it also puts a faster chip inside,
going from a nine-core M4 chip to a 10-core version."
还有这招哦,这等于是分两个型号在卖了嘛 XD