: 推 BearSheep: F90也可以啊...是说真的想玩,找台FM+便宜50mm实际多了 07/31 22:18
: 前辈,请问F90也能吃G镜跟VR吗?FM是纯机械的,不能自动对焦也要自己卷片,
: 有点累。而且我手上只有G镜,这样就要再买个D镜来配合才行。
可以接G 镜
It's also perfect on decent or recent AF film cameras like the F6, F100, F5,
N80 and N75.
The incompatibilities for older or cheaper film cameras are that:
1.) It won't autofocus with the cheapest new AF film cameras like the N55,
but if you focus manually, everything else works great. Even if you lose
autofocus, these cameras have in-finder focus confirmation dots to help you.
2.) Late 1980s ~ early 1990s AF cameras like the N90s, N70 and F4 will focus
just fine, but you'll lose VR. You'll have Program and Shutter-priority
modes, but lose Manual and Aperture-priority since you have no way to set the
aperture on the camera or on the lens.
3.) You're really pushing it with the oldest AF cameras like the N2020, N6006
and N8008. You'll have no AF, confused exposure modes, and no VR. Manual
focus is fine, along with electronic focus indications.
4.) Since it has no aperture ring, it's just about useless with manual focus
film cameras.
: 推 blackhey: nikon新镜变形都很严重 底片没办法修正 07/31 23:47
: 推 TexasFlood: 底片怎么不能修正,进LR轻松调一下就好... 08/01 06:49
: 感谢两位前辈热心地提醒。所以,底片时代出的镜头搭配底片机比较不会变形吗?
: 进LR是指,届时店家帮我洗好的底片、用店家扫出来的电子档再进电脑修就可以了,
: 对吧?!
: 觉得各位前辈都好热心,让人越来越期待拍底片的时候会有什么样的体验了。
: 推 TexasFlood: 没有比较不会变形这种事... 08/01 15:37
: → TexasFlood: 某些旁轴镜的广角结构确实特别不会变形 08/01 15:38
: → TexasFlood: 还有数位无反的镜头比较没有刻意控制变形 08/01 15:39
: 喔,原来如此,那其实也没有关系了,放心地让照片去变形吧QQ
别的不讲,Nikon 自己的AI AIS 50mm f/1.4 f/1.8 28mm f/2.8
: 推 sean003412: 手动对焦+自己卷片也很有乐趣啊! 08/01 19:43
: 可能是因为AF镜头对焦行程比较短跟我的数位单眼不是全片幅的关系,
: 我觉得我手动对焦有点慢,也怕被我拍的人会等得不耐烦,哎呀。
: 如果有机会,先借同事的纯机械底片相机试试看。喜欢的话,考虑在未来入手。
: 届时,还请各位前辈多多指教,谢谢。:P
所以不少Nikon AF的自动镜头真的成像品质没有早一点的AIS 好....
甚至要我个人说,Nikon 最后一支经典镜头是哪一支,
我会说是FM3a的kit 镜