aoex (kkk)
2022-06-28 07:48:09借自己的订单再问一下
下了moosejaw订单, 因为想要换颜色, chat了客服
结果东西好像太快处理, 无法换色, 也还没有追踪码
客服就寄了一个Fedex Ground return label, 走退货流程
因为国外退货较麻烦, 是否不理这件事, 保留货品就没事了
目前疑问是状态还是在In Process, 不晓得会不会出追踪码让我报给转运商?
※ 引述《aoex (kkk)》之铭言:
: campsaver买了soto炉头和LifeStraw生命吸管,收到需要回答export相关问题,可能是哪
: 个产品碰触到美国export的政策?
: We apologize, but your order has temporarily been placed on hold. Certain elem
: ents of your order indicate that your item(s) may be exported.ꀠ嘭rior to ship
: ping your order, we need to verify that the ordered item(s) will not be leavin
: g the United States without the valid authorization or export license issued b
: y the U.S. Government.ꀠPlease answer the following questions (by responding t
: o this email) to aid in processing your order: