1.科目:成人英文 面试 托福 多益 雅思
7.连络方式:Line: Bai_Long007
I am Olav Schrama from the Netherlands. I studied Political Science at the Uni
versity of Leiden and have worked for my national government for 15 years. Ili
ve in New Taipei City, Yonghe District, and for the past 5 years I have beentu
toring English from children to retired people. I have worked for JOY English
cram school and am currently employed by OKE English cram school.
I am fluent in reading, writing, speaking and listening English (英语) and Dut
ch (荷兰语).
My TOEIC scores
Reading and Listening: 990
Speaking: 200
Writing: 190
I have developed many lesson plans to help you with your English like quizzes,
Q&A, Role-playing, reading materials, TED Talks, tongue twisters etc. We canw
ork with newspapers and magazines like: AMC English Digest / English 4U / A+En
glish, ABC Interactive, CNN Interactive etc.. Or I can find you a textbookthat
fits your needs.
My experience:
- English interview and admittance letter for job placement
- English interview and admittance letter for University admittance (Bachelor.
Master, PhD)
- Spoken English with book series: Wordly Wise 3000
- Business English with book series: English for Everyone: Business English
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) 1st and 2nd round English exam
- English conversation class based on the students interests
- Teaching Politics and International Affairs, History, USA and European Cultu
- The Dutch residence permit exam
I can meet you in person or go online for tutoring lessons. I do not chargeany
thing for the first hour, because it is important for a teacher and studentto
be a good fit before committing to a regular lesson plan.
My email: [email protected]
My Line: Bai_Long007