1.科目:成人英语 面试 多益 托福 雅思 荷兰文
2.地点:中永和 公馆 大安一带 可讨论
4.希望待遇:600以上 视课程内容而定
Hi, I am Olav Schrama from the Netherlands. I studied politics at the Universi
ty of Leiden and English is my second language because of my British mother.Fo
r the past 2 years I have been tutoring English to Taiwanese high school stude
nts, junior diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign affairs and lots of working
people. I am fluent in reading, writing, speaking and listening English andDu
My TOEIC scores
Reading and Listening: 990
Speaking: 200
Writing: 190
I have developed many lesson plans to help you with your English like quizzes,
Q&A, Role-playing, reading materials, tongue twisters etc. I can also helpyou
get a high TOEIC, TOEFL and IELTS score.
I can meet you in person or go online for tutoring lessons. I do not chargeany
thing for the first hour, because it is important for a teacher and studenttob
e a good fit before committing to a regular lesson plan.
My email: [email protected]
My Line: Bai_Long007