[整理] 新加坡疫情更新(2021/10/25)

楼主: skbb2553 (HS)   2021-10-26 08:02:32
发稿时间:25th Oct 2021
撰 稿 者:同发稿单位
COVID-19 Statistics:
Latest Situation Report:
Summary of local situation(新加坡目前状况):
778( 0.9%)曾需要供氧治疗
94( 0.1%)曾在ICU监测病况
98( 0.1%)曾在ICU重症插管治疗过
178( 0.2%)死亡
●至2021/10/25 中午12点 为止
1,779(+ 41)人住院
261(- 17)人重症需要供氧治疗
107(+ 10)人在ICU观察病况中
64(+ 8)人住ICU插管治疗中
●至2021/10/24 中午12点 为止
●至2021/10/25 中午12点 为止,
新增 3,174名病例
本土 3,165
社区 2,843,年龄分布:https://bit.ly/3EesWf3 (图7)
移工 322
境外 9
今日的周感染成长率为1.18( https://bit.ly/3BjmHVn 图8)
Situation Update
1.最近28天内的86,106名病患状况:https://bit.ly/3BfARan (图1)
2.每日ICU病床数利用率:https://bit.ly/3baDmA3 (图2)
均有潜在疾病(multiple underlying medical conditions)
留院观察到死亡的病况对年龄的分布:https://bit.ly/2ZtZrav (图3)
最近7日内需要医疗处理的病患状况:https://bit.ly/312BS9e (图4)
至2021/10/25 中午12点 为止,目前有25,636名病患需要医疗处理:
居家疗养 (HRP):18,279例(71.3%) (+417)
社区照顾中心(CCF): 4,626例(18.0%) (-191)
COVID-19中心(CTF): 952例( 3.7%) (- 9)
留院观察 : 1,779例( 6.9%) (+ 41)
供氧治疗病例数: 261例 (- 17)
ICU观察病况病例数: 107例 (+ 10)
ICU插管治疗病例数: 64例 (+ 8)
booster dose FAQ:https://bit.ly/3CaMJM9
累计施打剂次 :9,786,082(剂)(+12,201)
累计人口涵盖数 (85%):4,630,558(人)(+ 961)
累计完整接种人口数 (84%):4,668,722(人)( )
累计接受追加剂施打人数(13%): 709,525(人)(+ 9,983)
不在施打计画上的WHO EUL疫苗(10/20清单: https://bit.ly/3mbA6uA )
总施打剂量 : 239,146(剂)(+ 557)
人口涵盖数 : 122,126(人)(+ 199)
7. Over the past 7 days, the number of fully vaccinated and non-fully
vaccinated cases who are critically ill in the ICU are at 0.5 and 4.2 per
100,000 population respectively. Over the same period, the number of fully
vaccinated and non-fully vaccinated cases who died are 0.1 and 0.8 per
100,000 population respectively. Among seniors aged 60 and above, the number
of fully vaccinated and non-fully vaccinated cases who are critically ill in
the ICU are 2.3 and 30.1 respectively. The number of fully vaccinated and
non-fully vaccinated seniors who died are 0.4 and 8.0 respectively.
依据疫苗状态的7日移动平均数: https://bit.ly/3vJpRAI (图5)
(图片标题:7-Day Moving Average of Number of Deaths and Active Cases
in ICU or Requiring Oxygen Supplementation,
per 100,000 Population by Vaccination Status
10/24 打击假消息:伊维菌素(Ivermectin)和疫苗无用
Many of the materials published on the “Truth Warriors” website
mislead people into thinking that COVID-19 vaccines are not effective in
reducing transmission rates of COVID-19, and promote the safety and efficacy
of ivermectin in preventing viral infections and treating COVID-19. These
materials are from unverified and dubious sources, and individuals who heed
the advice of “Truth Warriors” can endanger themselves and the people
around them.
2. The Minister for Health has instructed the Protection from Online
Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) Office to issue a Correction
Direction to the “Truth Warriors” website for these falsehoods. The website
is required to publish the correction notice at the top of each webpage
containing the falsehoods.
3. The Government takes a serious view of the deliberate communication of
these falsehoods, and criminal investigations will be conducted.
Corrections and clarifications on falsehoods regarding COVID-19 on “Truth
Warriors” website
4. In particular, the website has published false claims stating that:
i. The most vaccinated countries have the most cases and deaths per million
population and the least vaccinated countries have the fewest cases and
deaths per million population; and
ii. Vaccines do not prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
5. These claims are false. As of 23 October 2021, the weight of
international evidence shows categorically that vaccines reduce COVID-19
infection, as well as serious illness and mortality rates from COVID-19
infection. The latest data does not support the claim that countries with the
highest vaccination rates also have the highest cases/deaths per million
population. While some countries with the lowest vaccination rates also have
low reported COVID-19 deaths, this is likely due to poor record collection
for both vaccinations and deaths.
6. While the vaccines do not completely stop viral transmission, vaccines
do reduce the risk of transmission. Vaccinated persons are less likely to
transmit the virus than unvaccinated persons. Furthermore, while the vaccine
on its own does not kill the virus, it is false to suggest that the effect of
the vaccine on the immune system does not lead to the killing of the virus.
The vaccines cause the body to produce antibodies and immune cells that act
against the virus and, in effect, kill it.
7. For facts of the case, please refer to the Factually article “
Corrections and Clarifications regarding content about COVID-19 by “Truth
Warriors” website at https://www.gov.sg/article/factually241021 .
Additional clarifications
8. The website also claimed that ivermectin prevents COVID-19 infection,
and that it is safe and effective in treating COVID-19, even for pregnant
women. MOH and Health Sciences Authority (HSA) are aware that there are
members of the public trying to import or use ivermectin for the prevention
or treatment of COVID-19. Ivermectin is a prescription-only medicine
registered in Singapore specifically for the treatment of parasitic worm
infections. It is not an anti-viral medicine and is not approved by HSA for
preventing or treating COVID-19.
9. Self-medicating with ivermectin can be dangerous to one’s health.
Side-effects associated with ivermectin include vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach
pain, neurologic adverse events (dizziness, seizures, confusion), sudden drop
in blood pressure, severe skin rash potentially requiring hospitalisation,
and liver injury (hepatitis). Ivermectin can also interact with other
medications used, such as blood thinners.
10. HSA takes a serious view against those engaged in the illegal sale
and supply of medicines, including ivermectin, and will take strong
enforcement action against such persons. Anyone convicted of the illegal sale
of these medicines faces a penalty fine of up to $50,000 and/or imprisonment
for a period of up to two years under the Health Products Act.
11. The website also shares user-collated and unverified data on
suspected vaccine injuries in Singapore, citing the “SG Suspected Vaccine
Injuries” Telegram chat as its source. We advise members of the public not
to speculate and/or spread misinformation which may cause public alarm, and
to refer to credible sources of information instead.
12. Please visit https://www.moh.gov.sg for the latest information on COVID-19
and COVID-19 vaccinations. For vaccine SAE statistics, please refer to HSA
and its Safety Updates published monthly. For information regarding
ivermectin and consumer safety, please visit https://www.hsa.gov.sg .
24 OCTOBER 2021
10/25 https://bit.ly/2XIKikH
Prudent Use of Scdf Emergency Medical Services and Emergency Department
1. The Ministry of Health (MOH) and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF)
advise members of the public to activate 995 Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
only for life-threatening emergencies.
2. Between 15 and 21 October 2021, SCDF 995 Operations Centre received about
5,500 calls for medical assistance. Approximately 20% of the calls were from
COVID-19 patients. They were conveyed to the nearest Emergency Department
(ED). Of these COVID-19 patients conveyed to the ED, about 47% received only
day treatment at the ED and did not need to be hospitalised. Additionally,
15% were warded for 2 days or less, and mainly for observation.
3. SCDF 995 EMS caters to the conveyance of both COVID-19 and non-COVID
patients who suffer from life threatening and emergency conditions.1
4. To ensure that the 995 EMS is able to provide responsive conveyance for
those with emergency conditions, we advise individuals who are not
experiencing life-threatening emergencies to refrain from calling 995.
5. Individuals who have tested positive in their polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) test and are recovering at home under the Home Recovery Programme or
awaiting conveyance to a care or isolation facility, but who are experiencing
only mild symptoms, are advised to seek medical help via the following
a. A telemedicine provider ( https://go.gov.sg/telemedicineproviders );
b. Their regular primary care provider; or
c. The HR Buddy hotline (6874 4939).
6. Those who have tested positive in their Antigen Rapid Test (ART) and are
feeling unwell or experiencing symptoms such as fever or persistent cough
should visit a Public Health Preparedness Clinic (PHPC)
(https://flu.gowhere.gov.sg) via private transport for medical attention.
7. As we learn to live with COVID-19, appropriate activation of 995 EMS and
use of ED services is important. It will ensure that patients requiring
emergency care are able to receive it in a timely and prompt manner.
[1] These conditions include sudden onset of chest pain, breathlessness,
drowsiness or confusion, sudden onset of limb or body weakness, difficulty in
speech, or drooping of the face, severe bleeding from injuries, loss of
consciousness, and unexplained jerking of the body or fits.
25 OCTOBER 2021

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