完整标题:Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit 'more severe'
发稿时间:2020-10-13 (8hours ago)
撰 稿 者:James Gallagher
来源是 the study in the Lancet Infectious Diseases
节录自 bbc
* 25 March - First wave of symptoms, including sore throat, cough, headache, nau
sea and diarrhoea
* 18 April - He tests positive for the first time
* 27 April - Initial symptoms fully resolve
* 9 and 26 May - He tests negative for the virus on two occasions
* 28 May - He develops symptoms again, this time including fever, headache, dizz
iness, cough, nausea and diarrhoea
* 5 June - He tests positive for the second time, and is hypoxic (low blood oxyg
en) with shortness of breath
有个 25岁 内华达州 美国人 得到2次武汉肺炎
3/25 首次症状
4/18 首次阳性确诊
4/27 症状解除
5/9 5/26 两次阴性
5/28 再度出现症状
6/5 再次阳性确诊
Scientists say the patient caught coronavirus twice,
rather than the original infection becoming dormant
and then bouncing back. A comparison of the genetic codes
of the virus taken during each bout of symptoms
showed they were too distinct to be caused by the same infection.
文内有提到 应该不是复阳喔