iem2000 (爱一遍 2000年 )
2020-03-20 22:47:47刚看到FB上有位住花莲的阿兜仔
CDC Level 3: 14 days home quarantine; only citizens and residents of Taiwan
may enter from Hong Kong, Macau or China."
Thus, all the ship's crew would have to be Taiwanese, and I doubt that that
is true.
Can someone show me where the CDC has placed all ships into a "non- Level 3"
category? After all, even a cargo ship has passengers aboard, and entering a
harbor is classified as entering the country, and that's why they have Taiwan
Customs go aboard and inspect them PRIOR to entry.
This I know from the time Hualien quarantined an entire ship's crew about 13
years ago when it arrived from a port in China, because at that time, ships
from China were not allowed to sail directly to Taiwan. The ship was
registered in Mongolia, but had sailed from China. It wasn't headed for
Taiwan, but had become adrift offshore when it ran out of diesel fuel for its
electrical generator. In rescuing the ship, the tugs, somewhat accidentally,
brought it into the harbor instead of anchoring it outside the harbor. The
lot of them were stuck in the harbor for nine days under quarantine during
the Lunar New Year Holiday, as the paperwork needed to get them underway
again was not available from closed government offices. While it was stuck
here, and after I spoke to the captain at a local shipping office, I began to
deliver fresh fruit to the ship as a "Welcome to Taiwan!" gesture. :)
The current Chinese ship is still sailing in Taiwan waters and slated to
arrive in Taichung today, after its stop in Hualien yesterday.
There haven't been any Chinese ships in Hualien Harbor for about two weeks.
upon my inquiry, the Customs and Immigration offices in Hualien offer no
answers as to how this has happened.
Airplanes and ships are different entities.
Planes must land before they can be inspected, and they are "sort of not yet
in Taiwan" when they land. Airports serve as neutral territory.
However, ships are classified as "In Taiwan" upon entry to a harbor. Hence,
the ones from China always strike their colors (i.e., show NO flags flying)
upon entry. By long-standing maritime conventions, any ship arriving offshore
and attempting to enter a harbor, without a 'friendly flag" of the port
county flying to show they are arriving as friends, are classified as Pirate
In China's case, NO flags are flown in Taiwan. They simply strike their PRC
flags to come into Taiwan's ports.
I have no personal knowledge of what happens when a Taiwan ship arrives in
China. I must presume that they likewise strike their colors.