When Jake Sully first came to Pandora in Avatar, villainy had a human face:
Stephen Lang’s Miles Quaritch. The vicious military commander of the RDA
(aka the Resources Development Administration) was the big bad of the
original movie – a Na’vi-hating, cigar-chomping, mech-suited menace. Last
time around, he met a sticky end when Neytiri stuck him with a pair of giant
arrows in the final reel. But in Avatar, death isn’t always the end – and
in The Way Of Water, Quaritch is back in blue.
Yes, in the long-awaited sequel, Stephen Lang is returning in the same role –
this time in Na’vi form, his consciousness having been added to an avatar
body. “He’s bigger, he’s bluer, he’s pissed off,” he laughs while
speaking to Empire. “But there may possibly be an aspect of humility. When
you take two Na’vi arrows in the chest, that’s gonna have some kind of
effect on you.” It’s not just Quaritch who’s been given a big blue
upgrade. In The Way Of Water, the RDA has a whole set of Recoms, aka
Recombinants – avatars embedded with the memories of human soldiers. A whole
new body means a whole new Quaritch. “[He] was always a character who moved
in straight lines and at right angles,” Lang explains. “But now he is as
lithe as they come. He can move with the same kind of cunning and feral
quality that any of the Na’vi can.”
在第一集片尾已死透的柯迈斯上校(Stephen Lang饰演)是如何在第二集中复活