※ 引述《kenny1300175 (苏湖)》之铭言:
: DC Leak Clarifies Ben Affleck’s Batman Role in Upcoming Crisis Event Movie
: By Savannah Sanders
: May 25, 2022
: Even though Ezra Miller's The Flash has yet to be released in theaters, there
: are already rumors about the DCEU's post-Flash plans and how they could
: involve the franchise's familiar favorites. One of the leading theories
: involves a Crisis on Infinite Earths event movie and yet another appearance
: by Ben Affleck's Batman.
: 尽管Ezra Miller的《闪电侠》尚未上映,
: 但一直不断传出关于这部电影是否会涉及DCEU的流言。
: 其中一个最主要的流言是关于《无限地球危机》以及班艾佛列克所饰演的蝙蝠侠。
: However, there are two problems. The first is that the Warner Bros. Discovery
: merger made any DCEU plans uncertain; the second is that Batfleck is
: reportedly ready to retire the cowl for good. Still, since The Flash's
: Multiverse-style film is still moving forward, the Batman v Superman star
: isn't done just yet; and due to the plot, the door is open for Ben Affleck to
: return in the future.
: 然而有两个问题,第一是华纳与Discovery合并后使得DCEU计画变得不确定。
: 第二是根据此前报导,班艾佛列克已准备从蝙蝠侠这角色退休。
: 但由于闪电侠多元宇宙风格故事仍在发展中,蝙蝠侠 & 超人的故事仍未完结,
: 因此小班回归DC的大门仍旧是敞开的。
: Now, a new report suggests Warner Bros. is offering the star a Bruce
: Wayne-worthy fortune for him to return after The Flash, leading to additional
: information about the studio's plans for a Crisis on Infinite Earths film.
: 现在一份最新的报告显示,华纳兄弟正在向小班提供一个新方案,
: 希望让小班在《闪电侠》之后回归,
: 让他可以参与最新电影《无限地球危机》的相关拍摄计画。
: A recent rumor has surfaced claiming that Warner Bros. has offered Ben
: Affleck $30 million to reprise his role as the Dark Knight for a Crisis on
: Infinite Earths event-style film.
: 近日,一则流言浮上台面,内容声称华纳兄弟已经向小班提供3000万美元的酬劳,
: 让他在《无限地球危机》中继续扮演黑暗骑士一角。
: "Ben Affleck has been offered a staggering $30 million payday to come back to
: the DCEU as Batman and lead an adaptation of Crisis on Infinite Earths."
: 该则流言内容为:
: " 班艾佛列克得到了惊人的3000万美元片酬,让他以蝙蝠侠的身份重返DCEU,
: 并将在《无限地球危机》电影中登场。 "
: However, KC Walsh dismissed such reports, explaining the studio wouldn't pay
: Affleck more than it paid The Rock for Black Adam.
: 然而业界知名人士 KC Walsh 则出面否认了这条消息,
: 并解释说华纳兄弟提供给小班的报价不会超过巨石强森的黑亚当。
: "That Affleck article is totally fake for 1 simple reason, there is no way
: any studio is paying Affleck 30+ million for a film, by comparison The Rock
: is currently the top paid actor in Hollywood and can get about 20 million
: offered, so a 30 million payday go Affleck is laughable."
: KC Walsh在推特上说道:
: “关于那篇班艾佛列克片酬的文章全是假的,原因很简单,任何电影工作室都不会为了
: 一部电影支付班艾佛列克3000万美元的酬劳。
: 相比之下,巨石强森目前是好莱坞片酬最高的演员,能获得约2000万美元的报价。
: 所以班艾佛列克能拿到3000万相较之下是很荒谬的。”
: In addition to refuting the $30 million offer, Walsh revealed more about
: Affleck's potential role on Twitter, revealing that he wouldn't be the lead
: of the planned Crisis event film.
: 除了驳斥这消息外,KC Walsh 加码透露更多关于小班的潜在消息,
: 并表示他不会成为计画中的电影主角。
: "Now don’t think they bring back Affleck for a Crisis film? Yes, I’ve been
: saying Crisis is their event film for more than a year, but Affleck is not
: going to lead it and they certainly aren’t paying him 30 million to do so,
: they want their Endgame moment."
: “难道不认为DC会找班艾佛列克回来拍《无限地球危机》吗?
: 没错,我一直说这部电影他们计画了一年多,但班艾佛列克不会是主角,
: 也就不会付给他3000万。DC想要拍出属于自己的终局之战。”
: https://i.imgur.com/NfOMHLl.png
: While it wouldn't be surprising to learn that Warner Bros. is courting Ben
: Affleck for a comeback, KC Walsh's argument against the report makes sense. A
: studio wouldn't offer Affleck more than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as the top
: paid actor in Hollywood, especially since Robert Pattinson is confirmed to
: return as Batman in a sequel to Matt Reeves' The Batman.
: 虽然得知华纳向小班求救并不意外,但KC Walsh反驳该报导的论点是有道理的,
: DC不太可能提供比巨石强森还高的片酬给小班,
: 特别是罗伯派汀森将在Matt Reeves执导的蝙蝠侠续集中继续扮演该角色。
: 来源:
: https://reurl.cc/RrYl7Z
好莱坞片酬排名公布 007丹尼尔夺冠 巨石强森紧追