的士兵,wiki 中有很详尽的介绍,有兴趣的人可以去查询,这边就不暴雷他的经历了。
的时代横跨 30 年之久,远藤雄弥饰演年轻时的小野田,津田寛治饰演中年的小野田。
《ONODA》在日本已经排定秋季上映,昨天法国销售公司 & 发行商 Le Pacte 也公开预告
※ 电影预告:https://youtu.be/h8Gg7GzkBgs
※ 引述《aehvtleo (老OG)》之铭言:
: https://i.imgur.com/ooD1JJY.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/KoMWOvX.jpg
: 坎城影展方才宣布了今年一种注目单元的开幕片,远藤雄弥主演的法日合拍电影《Onoda
: – 10 000 Nights In The Jungle》
: 本片是Full Japanese Cast,描述二战结束后,一名日本的遗留士兵Onoda(远藤雄弥 饰
: )在菲律宾生存一万天的故事。
: 这部片是法国导演Arthur Harari继16年的首部长片《Diamont Noir》(当年法媒评价不
: 错,有入围凯萨最佳处女作,Niels Schneider也拿了最佳新人)后的第二部作品,也是
: 他首次以“导演”身份入围坎城影展。
: https://i.imgur.com/qpeF3xY.jpg
: Arthur Harari曾以编剧身份入围坎城,也就是上上届竞赛单元的《Sibyl》
: https://i.imgur.com/eTAP7pO.jpg
: 坎城官网介绍:
: https://bit.ly/2TuupvW
: Shot in Japanese, this international coproduction tells the story of the soldi
: er Hiroo Onoda that was sent to an island in the Philippines in 1944, to fight
: against the American offensive. As Japan surrenders, Onoda ignores it, traine
: d to survive at all costs in the jungle, he keeps his war going. He will take
: 10 000 days to capitulate, refusing to believe the end of the Second World War
: .
: Between Kon Ichikawa's Fires on the plain, Josef von Sternberg’s Anatahan and
: They Were Expendable of John Ford, with lighting by Tom Harari, the director
: ’s brother, Onoda – 10 000 Nights In The Jungle is a staggering internal ody
: ssey, an intimate and universal view of the world and the history. With this s
: econd feature film (and his first in the Cannes selection), Arthur Harari mast
: erfully imposes his filmmaking and delivers a great film about commitment and
: time.
: Produced by Nicolas Anthome, entirely filmed in Asia, Onoda – 10 000 Nights I
: n The Jungle was written by Arthur Harari and Vincent Poymiro. It will be scre
: ened in world premiere on Wednesday, July 7 to open Un Certain Regard before t
: he Jury that will present its awards on Friday, July 16.
: 目前待官宣的尚有一种注目单元闭幕片及影展主视觉(法媒朋友说疑似难产中...)
: 图片:网络