Re: [问片] 一部有关美国总统的政治片

楼主: akrsw (quo vadis?)   2021-01-17 18:02:02
※ 引述《BaBa88 (宝宝抱抱)》之铭言:
: 里面有一幕的情节是这样
: 似乎是一位美国总统的当选人还是已经任职总统的美国总统,在电影情节里面遇到
: 了什么倒台事件还是政治压力,然后该总统就翻阅上一任的总统留下来的信还是笔
: 记本。
: 内容大概是写,如果遇到什么需要推托甩锅的事件,那就把矛头跟责任推给写这段
: 话的前任总统。然后下一段好像是第二次遇到同样的事件,还是当甩锅给前任总统
: 没办法解决问题的话,那么你(现任总统)就得写同样的话(信)留下下一任总统。
: 印象中对这部电影只记得这个情节,但想不起有什么关键字可以搜寻到该部电影,
: 大概好像是2005年之前的电影,不晓得电影名称叫做什么,所以上来问问看有没有
: 看过的朋友能稍微回忆起知道是哪部电影吗@@?
下面《天人交战》(Traffic, 2000)这一段不知是否是你要找的?
General Ralph Landry: [20:13] You know, when Khruschev was forced out, he sat
down and wrote two letters and gave them to his successor. He said - "When
you get yourself into a situation you can't get out of, open the first
letter, and you'll be safe. When you get yourself into another situation you
can't get out of, open the second letter". Well, soon enough, this guy found
himself into a tight place, so he opened the first letter. Which said -
"Blame everything on me". So he blames the old man, it worked like a charm.
He got himself into a second situation he couldn't get out of, he opened the
second letter. It said - "Sit down, and write two letters".
Robert Wakefield: [laughs] Yep.

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