[讨论] 烂番茄员工手动评选140必看动画片

楼主: peter220 (PeterLiau)   2019-06-30 14:36:06
今敏进不了前70 个人不服气 就没照原文顺序排了
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (白雪公主, 1937)
The Tale of the Fox/ Le Roman de Renard (无中译, 1937)
Fantasia (幻想曲, 1940)
Pinocchio (木偶奇遇记, 1940)
Dumbo (小飞象, 1941)
Bambi (小鹿斑比, 1942)
Cinderella (仙履奇缘, 1950)
Alice in Wonderland (爱丽丝梦游仙境, 1951)
Peter Pan (小飞侠, 1953)
Lady and the Tramp (小姐与流氓, 1955)
Sleeping Beauty (睡美人, 1959)
One Hundred and One Dalmatians (101忠狗, 1961)
The Sword in the Stone (石中剑, 1963)
The Jungle Book (森林王子, 1967)
Yellow Submarine (黄色潜水艇, 1968)
Fritz the Cat (怪猫菲力兹, 1972)
Belladonna of Sadness/ 哀しみのベラドンナ (悲伤的贝拉朵娜, 1973)
Fantastic Planet/ La Planete sauvage (奇幻星球, 1973)
Allgero Non Troppo (从容的快板, 1976)
Wizards (巫师的战争, 1977)
Watership down (瓦特希普高原, 1978)
The Castle of Cagliostro/ ルパン三世 カリオストロの城 (鲁邦三世卡里奥斯特罗之
城, 1979)
Heavy Metal (重金属, 1981)
The Last Unicorn (最后的独角兽, 1982)
The Secret of NIMH (鼠谭祕奇, 1982)
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind/ 风の谷のナウシカ (风之谷, 1984)
Vampire Hunter D/ 吸血鬼ハンターD (吸血鬼猎人D OVA. 1985)
An American Tail (美国鼠谭, 1986)
Castle in the Sky/ 天空の城ラピュタ (天空之城, 1986)
The Great Mouse Detective (妙妙探, 1986)
Akira/ アキラ (阿基拉, 1988)
Grave of the Fireflies/ 火垂るの墓 (萤火虫之墓, 1988)
The Land before Time (历险小恐龙, 1988)
My Neighbor Totoro/ となりのトトロ (龙猫, 1988)
Kiki's Delivery Service/ 魔女の宅急便 (魔女宅急便, 1989)
The Little Mermaid (小美人鱼, 1989)
Beauty and the Beast (美女与野兽, 1991)
Only Yesterday/ おもひでぽろぽろ (儿时的点点滴滴, 1991)
Aladdin (阿拉丁, 1992)
Porco Rosso/ 红の豚 (红猪, 1992)
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (蝙蝠侠:鬼影之战, 1993)
The Nightmare before Christmas (圣诞夜惊魂, 1993)
Ninja Scroll/ 獣兵卫忍风帖 (兽兵卫忍风帖, 1993)
The Thief and the Cobbler (小偷与鞋匠, 1993)
The Lion King (狮子王, 1994)
Ghost in the Shell (攻壳机动队, 1995)
Toy Story (玩具总动员, 1995)
Whisper of the Heart/ 耳をすませば (心之谷, 1995)
James and the Giant Peach (飞天巨桃历险记, 1996)
Anastasia (真假公主-安娜塔西亚, 1997)
The End of Evangelion/ 新世纪エヴァンゲリオン剧场版 (新世纪福音战士剧场版,
Hercules (大力士, 1997)
Perfect Blue/ パーフェクトブルー (蓝色恐惧, 1997)
Princess Mononoke/ もののけ姫 (魔法公主, 1997)
Antz (小蚁雄兵, 1998)
A Bug's Life (虫虫危机, 1998)
Kirikou and the Sorceress/ Kirikou et la Sorciere (叽哩咕与女巫, 1998)
Mulan (花木兰, 1998)
The Iron Giant (铁巨人, 1999)
Jin- Roh: The Wolf Brigade (人狼, 1999)
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (南方四贱客剧场版, 1999)
Toy Story 2 (玩具总动员2, 1999)
Chicken Run (落跑鸡, 2000)
The Emperor's New Groove (变身国王, 2000)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie/ カウボーイビバップ 天国の扉 (星际牛仔:天国之门, 2001)
Metropolis/ メトロポリス (大都会, 2001)
Monsters, Inc. (怪兽电力公司, 2001)
Shrek (史瑞克, 2001)
Spirited away/ 千と千寻の神隠し (神隐少女, 2001)
Waking Life (梦醒人生, 2001)
Ice Age (冰原历险记, 2002)
Lilo & Stitch (星际宝贝, 2002)
Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (银河生死恋5555, 2003)
Finding Nemo (海底总动员, 2003)
The Triplets of Belleville/ Les Triplettes de Belleville (佳丽村三姊妹, 2003)
Howl's Moving Castle/ ハウルの动く城 (霍尔的移动城堡, 2004)
The Incredibles (超人特攻队, 2004)
The Place Promised in Our Early Days/ 云のむこう、约束の场所 (云之彼端,约定的
地方, 2004)
Shrek 2 (史瑞克2, 2004)
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were- Rabbit (酷狗宝贝之魔兔诅咒, 2005)
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time/ 时をかける少女 (跳跃吧!时空少女, 2006)
Happy Feet (快乐脚, 2006)
Monster House (怪怪屋, 2006)
Paprika/ パプリカ (盗梦侦探, 2006)
A Scanner Darkly (心机扫描, 2006)
Tekkonkinkreet/ 鉄コン筋クリート (恶童当街, 2006)
Persepolis (茉莉人生, 2007)
Ratatouille (料理鼠王, 2007)
The Simpsons Movie (辛普森家庭电影版, 2007)
Kung Fu Panda (功夫熊猫, 2008)
WALL-E (瓦力, 2008)
Waltz with Bashir/ Vals Im Bashir (与巴席尔跳华尔滋, 2008)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (食破天惊, 2009)
Coraline (第十四道门, 2009)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (超级狐狸先生, 2009)
Mary and Max (巧克力情缘, 2009)
My Dog Tulip (杜莉与我, 2009)
The Princess and the Frog (公主与青蛙, 2009)
Redline/ レッドライン (超时空甩尾, 2009)
The Secret of Kells (凯尔经的秘密, 2009)
Summer Wars/ サマーウォーズ (夏日大作战, 2009)
Up (天外奇蹟, 2009)
Despicable Me (神偷奶爸, 2010)
How to Train Your Dragon (驯龙高手, 2010)
Tangled (魔发奇缘, 2010)
Toy Story 3 (玩具总动员3, 2010)
Brave (勇敢传说, 2012)
ParaNorman (派拉诺曼:灵动小子, 2012)
Wolf Children/ おおかみこどもの雨と雪 (狼的孩子雨和雪, 2012)
Wreck- It Ralph (无敌破坏王, 2012)
Boy and the World/ O Menino e o Mundo (囧男孩看世界, 2013)
Frozen (冰雪奇缘, 2013)
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya/ かぐや姫の物语 (辉耀姬物语, 2013)
The Wind Rises/ 风立ちぬ (风起, 2013)
Big Hero 6 (大英雄天团, 2014)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (驯龙高手2, 2014)
The Lego Movie (乐高玩电影, 2014)
Song of the Sea (海洋幻想曲, 2014)
Anomalisa (安诺玛丽莎, 2015)
April and the Extraordinary World/ Avril et le Monde truque (爱波的异想世界,
Inside out (脑筋急转弯, 2015)
Long Way North/ Tout en haut du monde (比北极更远的地方, 2015)
The Peanuts Movie (史努比, 2015)
Big Fish & Begonia/ 大鱼海棠 (大鱼海棠, 2016)
Kubo and the Two Strings (酷宝:魔弦传说, 2016)
Moana (海洋奇缘, 2016)
My Life as a Courgette/ Ma vie de Courgette (酷瓜人生, 2016)
A Silent Voice/ 映画 声の形 (电影版声之形, 2016)
Tower (校塔枪击案, 2016)
Your Name/ 君の名は。 (你的名字, 2016)
Zootopia (动物方城市, 2016)
The Breadwinner (战火下的小花, 2017)
Coco (可可夜总会, 2017)
Loving Vincent (凡高:星夜之谜, 2017)
Night Is Short, Walk On Girl/ 夜は短し歩けよ乙女 (春宵苦短,少女前进吧!, 2017)
Dragon Ball Super: Broly (七龙珠超布罗利, 2018)
Isle of Dogs (犬之岛, 2018)
Spider- Man: Into the Spider- Verse (蜘蛛人:新宇宙, 2018)
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (驯龙高手3, 2019)
Toy Story 4 (玩具总动员4, 2019)
Walt Disney (华特迪士尼)制作
113. Alice in Wonderland (爱丽丝梦游仙境, 1951)
109. Peter Pan (小飞侠, 1953)
81. The Sword in the Stone (石中剑, 1963)
78. The Jungle Book (森林王子, 1967)
65. Lady and the Tramp (小姐与流氓, 1955)
56. Cinderella (仙履奇缘, 1950)
55. Fantasia (幻想曲, 1940)
54. One Hundred and One Dalmatians (101忠狗, 1961)
48. Dumbo (小飞象, 1941)
46. Sleeping Beauty (睡美人, 1959)
38. Bambi (小鹿斑比, 1942)
7. Pinocchio (木偶奇遇记, 1940)
4. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (白雪公主, 1937)
115. The Princess and the Frog (公主与青蛙, 2009)
102. Hercules (大力士, 1997)
86. Mulan (花木兰, 1998)
83. Lilo & Stitch (星际宝贝, 2002)
76. The Great Mouse Detective (妙妙探, 1986)
62. The Emperor's New Groove (变身国王, 2000)
23. Aladdin (阿拉丁, 1992)
22. The Little Mermaid (小美人鱼, 1989)
11. Beauty and the Beast (美女与野兽, 1991)
2. The Lion King (狮子王, 1994)
Ralph Bakshi (拉尔夫巴克希)
131. Fritz the Cat (怪猫菲力兹, 1972)
128. Wizards (巫师的战争, 1977)
Don Bluth (唐布鲁斯)工作室
137. Anastasia (真假公主-安娜塔西亚, 1997)
94. The Land before Time (历险小恐龙, 1988)
92. An American Tail (美国鼠谭, 1986)
67. The Secret of NIMH (鼠谭祕奇, 1982)
139. The Thief and the Cobbler (小偷与鞋匠, 原版未完成, 1993)
127. The Simpsons Movie (辛普森家庭电影版, 2007)
122. Heavy Metal (重金属, 加拿大, 1981)
119. The Last Unicorn (最后的独角兽, 与日本合制, 1982)
108. My Dog Tulip (杜莉与我, 2009)
105. South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (南方四贱客剧场版, 1999)
35. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (蝙蝠侠:鬼影之战, 1993)
15. Spider- Man: Into the Spider- Verse (蜘蛛人:新宇宙, 2018)
Hayao Miyazaki (宫崎骏)于吉卜力内外的作品
117. The Castle of Cagliostro (鲁邦三世卡里奥斯特罗之城, 1979)
59. The Wind Rises (风起, 2013)
49. Porco Rosso (红猪, 1992)
40. Kiki's Delivery Service (魔女宅急便, 1989)
39. Castle in the Sky (天空之城, 1986)
27. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (风之谷, 1984)
20. Howl's Moving Castle (霍尔的移动城堡, 2004)
12. My Neighbor Totoro (龙猫, 1988)
6. Princess Mononoke (魔法公主, 1997)
1. Spirited away (神隐少女, 2001)
112. Whisper of the Heart (心之谷, 1995)
52. Only Yesterday (儿时的点点滴滴, 1991)
31. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (辉耀姬物语, 2013)
8. Grave of the Fireflies (萤火虫之墓, 1988)
Mamoru Hosoda (细田守)
133. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (跳跃吧!时空少女, 2006)
121. Wolf Children (狼的孩子雨和雪, 2012)
88. Summer Wars (夏日大作战, 2009)
Satoshi Kon (今敏)
87. Perfect Blue (蓝色恐惧, 1997)
84. Paprika (盗梦侦探, 2006)
140. Redline (超时空甩尾, 2009)
135. Tekkonkinkreet (恶童当街, 2006)
132. Jin- Roh: The Wolf Brigade (人狼, 1999)
126. Metropolis (大都会, 2001)
107. Dragon Ball Super: Broly (七龙珠超布罗利, 2018)
99. Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (星际牛仔:天国之门, 2001)
97. Night Is Short, Walk On Girl (春宵苦短,少女前进吧!, 2017)
91. Vampire Hunter D (吸血鬼猎人D OVA. 1985)
80. Belladonna of Sadness (悲伤的贝拉朵娜, 1973)
71. A Silent Voice (电影版声之形, 2016)
57. The End of Evangelion (新世纪福音战士剧场版, 1997)
39. Ninja Scroll (兽兵卫忍风帖, 1993)
14. Ghost in the Shell (攻壳机动队, 1995)
5. Akira (阿基拉, 1988)
106. Long Way North (比北极更远的地方, 2015)
98. Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (银河生死恋5555,
77. Fantastic Planet (奇幻星球, 与捷克斯洛伐克合制, 1973)
69. Kirikou and the Sorceress (叽哩咕与女巫, 1998)
68. April and the Extraordinary World (爱波的异想世界, 2015)
66. The Triplets of Belleville (佳丽村三姊妹, 2003)
34. Persepolis (茉莉人生, 与伊朗合制, 2007)
爱尔兰的Cartoon Saloon (卡通沙龙)
75. The Secret of Kells (凯尔经的秘密, 2009)
63. The Breadwinner (战火下的小花, 2017)
33. Song of the Sea (海洋幻想曲, 2014)
85. Watership down (瓦特希普高原, 1978)
53. Yellow Submarine (黄色潜水艇, 英, 1968)
82. Allgero Non Troppo (从容的快板, 1976)
72. Boy and the World (囧男孩看世界, 2013)
100. Big Fish & Begonia (大鱼海棠, 2016)
96. Loving Vincent (凡高:星夜之谜, 与英美合制, 2017)
Rotoscoping (转描动画)
Richard Linklater (李察林克雷特)
110. Waking Life (梦醒人生, 2001)
79. A Scanner Darkly (心机扫描, 2006)
Makoto Shinkai (新海诚)
101. The Place Promised in Our Early Days (云之彼端,约定的地方, 2004)
24. Your Name (你的名字, 2016)
51. Toy Story 4 (玩具总动员4, 2019)
42. Toy Story 2 (玩具总动员2, 1999)
26. Toy Story 3 (玩具总动员3, 2010)
3. Toy Story (玩具总动员, 1995)
Brad Bird (布莱德博德)加入前后
25. Ratatouille (料理鼠王, 2007)
21. The Incredibles (超人特攻队, 2004)
10. The Iron Giant (铁巨人, 1999)
124. A Bug's Life (虫虫危机, 1998)
111. Brave (勇敢传说, 2012)
37. Monsters, Inc. (怪兽电力公司, 2001)
28. Finding Nemo (海底总动员, 2003)
19. Inside out (脑筋急转弯, 2015)
17. Coco (可可夜总会, 2017)
13. Up (天外奇蹟, 2009)
9. WALL-E (瓦力, 2008)
73. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (驯龙高手3, 2019)
61. How to Train Your Dragon 2 (驯龙高手2, 2014)
18. How to Train Your Dragon (驯龙高手, 2010)
130. Antz (小蚁雄兵, 1998)
129. Shrek 2 (史瑞克2, 2004)
47. Shrek (史瑞克, 2001)
43. Kung Fu Panda (功夫熊猫, 2008)
123. Big Hero 6 (大英雄天团, 2014)
95. Tangled (魔发奇缘, 2010)
74. Wreck- It Ralph (无敌破坏王, 2012)
60. Frozen (冰雪奇缘, 2013)
44. Moana (海洋奇缘, 2016)
41. Zootopia (动物方城市, 2016)
Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (菲尔洛德与克里斯多福米勒)
103. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (食破天惊, 2009)
50. The Lego Movie (乐高玩电影, 2014)
138. Monster House (怪怪屋, 2006)
125. The Peanuts Movie (史努比, 2015)
116. Happy Feet (快乐脚, 2006)
114. Ice Age (冰原历险记, 2002)
104. Despicable Me (神偷奶爸, 2010)
Laika (莱卡)工作室
Henry Selick (亨利谢利克)加入前后的作品
120. James and the Giant Peach (飞天巨桃历险记, 1996)
64. Coraline (第十四道门, 2009)
36. The Nightmare before Christmas (圣诞夜惊魂, 1993)
136. ParaNorman (派拉诺曼:灵动小子, 2012)
90. Kubo and the Two Strings (酷宝:魔弦传说, 2016)
Aardman (阿德曼动画)工作室
45. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were- Rabbit (酷狗宝贝之魔兔诅咒, 2005)
16. Chicken Run (落跑鸡, 2000)
Wes Anderson (魏斯安德森)
70. Isle of Dogs (犬之岛, 2018)
30. Fantastic Mr. Fox (超级狐狸先生, 2009)
118. My Life as a Courgette (酷瓜人生, 瑞士与法合制, 2016)
93. The Tale of the Fox (无中译, 法, 1937)
89. Anomalisa (安诺玛丽莎, 2015)
32. Mary and Max (巧克力情缘, 澳洲, 2009)
134. Tower (校塔枪击案, 2016)
58. Waltz with Bashir (与巴席尔跳华尔滋, 以色列, 2008)
作者: stupidsnail2 (蜗蜗)   2019-06-30 14:51:00
作者: chandra22845 (日夏)   2019-06-30 15:51:00
作者: se7enchanger (七合变体魔王)   2019-06-30 15:53:00
有DC 没Marvel 科科
作者: allenlee6710 (猫抓板!!!)   2019-06-30 15:54:00
140实在有点太多了,毕竟动画电影的产量本来就没有那么多了。去年的蜘蛛人不算Marvel? 科科
作者: alwaysstrong (不要踩小强)   2019-06-30 18:57:00
作者: Darkword1987 (黑字)   2019-06-30 23:39:00
作者: beyoursoldie (Soldier)   2019-07-01 00:00:00
作者: BusterButter (奶油巴斯特)   2019-07-01 03:20:00
推驯龙123我也觉得很多太老的动画电影没看过 也不会想去看

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