
楼主: airanfernee (ever be young...)   2019-06-02 00:57:36
刚看完哥吉拉2有感而发 尤其是里面的Slogan"Lone live the king(王者万岁)"
看了很多年的电影 举凡动作片 文艺片 爱情片甚至鬼片 推荐或得奖的有空就看
里面会有一些很棒的主题曲或台词 即使多年后还是会烙印在心
例如AFI之前曾选过影史百大台词 里面就不乏一些经典台词 版友应该都能朗朗上口
例如教父:我会提出一个他无法拒绝的提议 铁达尼:我是世界之王
星际大战:愿原力与你同在..等等 然而多半都是较早以前的片 甚至半个世纪以前
有些近代的电影台词不是遗珠 就是太新尚未被岁月淬炼成金句
还有每个人对于同部电影的感受不尽相同 能引起共鸣的台词亦不一致
像征服情海 女生可能就较喜欢女主的"you had me at hello"或"you complete me"
男生可能就会喜欢"show me the money!" 或者像之前版友分享的火线救援
"宽恕他是上帝的事情,而我的工作是送他们见面" 不知道大家还有那些喜欢的电影台词
刺激1995 : Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing
ever dies.(希望是美好的事物,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝)
黑暗骑士 : You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself
becomethe villain.(你要嘛死得像英雄,要嘛就是活得过久看着自己变成恶棍)
全面启动 : What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea.
楚门的世界 : Good morning,and in case I don't see you,good afternoon,good
evening and good night.(早上好,以防我见不着你,所以下午好,晚上好,晚安!)
穿着PRADA的恶魔 : the person whose calls you always take? That's the
relationship you're in.(能让你随时接电话的人,才是你真正在乎的人)
真爱挑日子 : Affection is when you see someone's strength ; Love is when you
accept someone's flaws.(喜欢是你看见他的优点 ; 爱是你接受他的缺点)
三个傻瓜 : Chase excellence, success will follow.(追求卓越 成功自然伴随而来)
西雅图夜未眠 : You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one
day your order takes out and it changes your life.(你每天都在做很多看起来毫无
金牌特务 : Manners maketh man.(礼仪成就不凡)
真爱每一天 : The real troubles in your life will always be things that never crossed your
worried mind(人生当中真正的麻烦,总是那些你从来没有担心过的事)
阿凡达 : I see you.(我能感受你)
门当父不对 : I'm watching you.(我正看着你呢!)
开战时刻 : It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me.
间谍桥 : Would it help?(这样有帮助吗?)
意外 : All this anger, man, it just begets greater anger.
高年级实习生 : You are never wrong to do the right thing.
白日梦冒险家 : Beautiful things don't ask for attention
十二怒汉 : Prejudice always obscures truth.(偏见往往会模糊真相)
勇敢的心 : Men don’t follow titles, they follow courage.
攻其不备 : You changed the boy's life..-no. he changed mine.
(你改变了那男孩的人生..不 是他改变了我的人生)
美国队长 : Hail Hydra!(九头蛇万岁)
惊奇队长 : I have nothing to prove you.(我不需要向你证明什么)
复仇者联盟4 : whatever it takes.(不计代价)
哥吉拉2 : Long live the king.(王者万岁)
所有山谬局长的电影 : Moxxxx F**K!!
但他有时穿插在整句的又饶有兴味 例如黑色追缉令 :I never gave much thought
to what it meant. I just thought it was some cold-blooded shit to say to
a motherfucker before I popped a cap in his ass.(我从未仔细思考过这些话的涵义
就是他很爱扯那些什么耶和华或牧羊人之类的 但就像他说的
I been saying that shit for years. And if you heard it, that meant your ass.
作者: gorillaandme (猩猩知我心)   2019-06-02 09:03:00
斗阵俱乐部 it's only after we've lost everythingthat we’re free to do anything

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