scpx (早忘了)
2019-05-03 01:14:18防个雷
※ 引述《JEFF11503 (厌世鲁宅)》之铭言:
: 雷
: 雷
: 雷
: 我不保证我的记忆跟听力完全正确,有错请指正,我尽量照时间顺序跟我的感受打
: 1.I will dream about you, always you.
: 2."I lost that kid." "Tony, we lost."(他说的第一个人,就是他视如己出的
: 小蜘蛛,可见这对他伤得有多深)
: 3."It's gonna work, Steve." "I know it is. Because I don't know what I
: gonna to do if it doesn't."(美国队长也有绝望之时)
: 4.I went for the head.
: 5.I used to have nothing, then I have this job I have a family. It makes me
: better.
: 6.Are you alright?
: 7.Why don't you go out and ask those asguardians, how much my help is worth?
: 8.Don't, don't give me hope.(没有希望,何来绝望.......)
: 9.See you in a minute.(这句第一次看到的其实没什么感觉,但看到之后再回想,
: 怎么这样,呜呜呜呜呜呜)
: 10.Do you think you are the only one who lost family? Quill, Groot, D-rex
: the chick with antenna, they are all gone.(虽然平常嘴贱,但其实
: 星际异攻队里可能没人比他更重视其他人)
: 11."Are you a failure?Absolutely. What does this makes you? Like everyone
: else." "I shouldn't be like everyone else, right?" "Most of the time,
: things don't go as we think."(呜呜,果然是阿斯嘉王后呜呜呜呜)
: 12."I don't judge someone by his worst mistake"
: "Maybe you should."
: "You didn't."
: 13."It's okay, let me go."
: 14.I am ready for giving everything to him.(这句简单的话语,让Tony放下
: 所有对父亲的心结,我真的好爱索尔母子情跟钢铁人父子情的这两段)
: 15.Thank you for everything......done for the country.
: 16."Does anyone know if she has family?"
: "Yes, us."
: 17.And, I am Ironman.
: 18.Tony, look at me. We're gonna be okay. You can rest now.
: 19.I love you 3000.
: 其他欢迎补充。
我最爱的 或者说引爆点是小辣椒在东尼快挂点前讲的
抱歉我英文不太好 没能写出原文
之所以会这么喜欢 真的打到点吧
为求他走得安心 不多讲废话 直接说我们会很好