qpr322 (龙鱼)
2018-08-09 20:09:55今年美国暑期的“亚裔”大片《疯狂亚洲富豪》昨日首映后已经陆续开出影评了,目前似
乎都是正面评价居多,虽然烂番茄上的评论总数只有 16 条,但是却有 100 % 的好评,而
且其中最主要的几家大媒体如 THR、Variety 或 IndieWire(评分为 B+)都给了正面评价
THR:“A thoroughly captivating exploration of the rarefied question of whether
true love can conquer head-spinning wealth.”
IndieWire:“A loving take on Kwan's books, bundled up in a wildly entertaining
Variety:“A movie that expertly manages to balance the opulence of incalculabl
e wealth with the pragmatic, well-grounded sensibility embodied by its heroine,
Rachel Chu (Constance Wu).”
Entertainment Weekly:“If Asians really only grazes true Crazy, the movie is s
till a deliriously glossy, globe-trotting trifle