shinbird (爆è‚å°±è¦å–æ„›è‚)
2018-05-10 13:43:22※ 引述《shinbird (爆肝就要喝爱肝)》之铭言:
: 新闻网址:
: 基努李维、艾力克斯温特确定回归《阿比阿弟的冒险3》
: https://www.hypesphere.com/news/15383
: 2018/05/09|新闻快讯
: by JeanLin 追踪
: 由基努李维(Keanu Reeves)与艾力克斯温特(Alex Winter)主演的科幻喜剧《阿比阿
: 弟的冒险》(Bill & Ted's Exellent Adventure)分别在 1989 年、1991 年带来两部系
: 列电影,而第三部续作早从 2012 年左右就透露剧本已经完成,两人也才刚在今年 3 月
: 于娱乐周刊的访谈上重聚,终于拍摄计画在今天宣布确定执行!
: 不仅基努李维与艾力克斯温特双双回归《阿比阿弟的冒险3》(暂译,Bill & Ted Face
: the Music),系列编剧克里斯马瑟森(Chris Matheson)、艾德索罗门(Ed Solomon)
: 也再度携手执笔剧本,并且找来了《惊爆银河系》(Galaxy Quest)导演迪恩帕里索(
: Dean Parisot)执导,除此之外,金奖导演史蒂芬索德柏(Steven Soderbergh)也将加
: 入担纲监制。
: 《Bill & Ted Face the Music》剧情描述已经这对已经迈入中年的好朋友因为一个来自
: 未来的访客的警告,只有他们找到的那首歌才可以拯救地球,于是他们又再次携手穿越时
: 空找寻能为宇宙带来和谐的神奇歌曲,不仅如此,还有他们的女儿们以及历史人物们的帮
: 助。目前尚无确定上映时间,但也将前往坎城影展市场展。
: 资料来源:The Playlist
: 图片来源:EW
: Keanu Reeves And Alex Winter Reunite For ‘Bill & Ted 3’
: Charles Barfield May 8, 2018 12:20 pm News
: It’s hard to believe, but 27 years after their ‘Bogus Journey,’ the
: dimwitted duo of William “Bill” S. Preston Esq. and Theodore “Ted”
: Theodore Logan is coming back for one more time-traveling adventure. It was
: just announced that Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter are returning to their
: legendary ’80s roles for “Bill & Ted Face the Music.”
: The long-awaited third film in the ‘Bill & Ted’ franchise tells the story
: of middle-aged friends, who were once prophesized to save the universe, but
: have yet to fulfill their destiny. Now, much older and with families of their
: own, Bill and Ted must reunite, and travel through time to find the magical
: song that will bring harmony to the universe, after a visitor from the future
: warns that the only Bill and Ted’s music can save the day. Together, with
: the help of their daughters (aka potential stars of the sequels) and a new
: crop of historical figures, Bill and Ted find much more than just a song.
: READ MORE: The 10 Best Keanu Reeves Movies
: “Bill & Ted Face the Music” is written by series creators Chris Matheson (“
: Imagine That”) and Ed Solomon (“Men in Black” and “Now You See Me”). “
: Galaxy Quest” director Dean Parisot has signed on to helm the film. And
: interestingly enough, one of the executive producers on the project is none
: other than Steven Soderbergh.
: Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves had this to say about the sequel, “We couldn’t
: be more excited to get the whole band back together again. Chris and Ed wrote
: an amazing script, and with Dean at the helm we’ve got a dream team!”
: No word yet on a release date, but the film is currently in pre-production
: and will be released by MGM Orion Pictures. International sales will be
: conducted at the Cannes Film Festival.
: Oh, and as always, be excellent to each other!
: https://theplaylist.net/reeves-winter-bill-ted-face-music-20180508/
: ==
: 是真的确定了。
: 基哥会回归,计画正式开始,但何时开拍不知道。
: 因为狂热球的新闻常常超译,
: 所以我就顺道把他们的资料来源的原始新闻也贴上来。
: 真的好久啦~!!!
: 第二集他们就结婚生小孩了,所以27年后,他们的女儿也不年轻了吧?
: 希望死神也回归
第二集的死神Grim Reaper 饰演者:William Sadler
所以如果John Wick真的出现在MCU,