Re: [讨论] 星际大战7 真的有人觉得好看?

楼主: owenkuo (灰色腦細胞)   2015-12-26 01:25:24
: → justice79: 台湾这边翻"抵抗势力",反抗军都建立共和了,跟香港 12/26 00:45
: → justice79: 那边翻"反抗军",只会跟以前的反抗军同盟混淆 12/26 00:46
: → justice79: ex.为什么反抗军兵力比以前少?w 12/26 00:46
A small, secretive private military force, the Resistance was founded
by rebel hero Leia Organa to monitor the actions of the First Order.
Most New Republic power brokers tolerate the Resistance while regarding
Organa and her fighters as dead-enders with an unfortunate fixation
on the past. Organa’s cash-strapped movement relies on credits,
ships and equipment quietly funneled to it from the few senators
who share her concerns.
REBEL ALLIANCE 叛军/反叛/叛党 同盟(EP4~6)
The Rebel Alliance stood bravely against the evil of the Galactic Empire,
never backing down despite overwhelming odds.
Formed from resistance movements that arose during the Clone Wars,
the Rebellion worked in secret for decades to overthrow the Emperor
and restore democracy to the galaxy.
Eventually, armed with the firepower of ships like the X-wing and A-wing,
and the leadership of figures including Princess Leia and Admiral Ackbar,
the Rebel Alliance triumphed over the Empire at the Battle of Endor.
作者: justice79 (indyfan)   2015-12-26 01:43:00
作者: log56 (君主建山川)   2015-12-26 02:37:00
我看星际大战老三部的DVD Rebel翻叛党啊 XD看了一直笑,整个还满 80 年代风格
作者: justice79 (indyfan)   2015-12-26 02:50:00
前译参差不齐啊~还有"煞星"、"气",Rebel Alliance又译成"反抗联军",总之跟现在版本差很大
作者: log56 (君主建山川)   2015-12-26 02:56:00
不过星战在台湾有所谓“正式翻译”了吗?big deal翻成小叮当也算正式翻译范围内了吗?
作者: justice79 (indyfan)   2015-12-26 03:08:00
作者: yjyj8000 (yjyj8000gogo)   2015-12-26 09:21:00
作者: tenniset (tenniset)   2015-12-26 09:58:00
作者: justice79 (indyfan)   2015-12-26 10:04:00
作者: WMX (这学期要加油阿~)   2015-12-26 11:55:00
作者: justice79 (indyfan)   2015-12-26 12:10:00
因此我前面推文从用"Rebel"的片名,到反抗、抵抗的中文习惯用法差别说明过了Star Wars Rebels(原文)星际大战:反抗军起义(台)星球大战:反抗军起义(港)星球大战:义军崛起(陆)有关键字可查证,米老鼠就这样用了啊

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