※ 引述《a71085 (iii)》之铭言:
: 新闻网址:http://tinyurl.com/np9aj74
: Universal finds pirated copy of Jurassic World seeded from its own servers
: Universal Pictures in France has been seeding a pirated copy of its latest
: blockbuster Jurassic World from its own servers.
: 环球影业在法国的公司一直在为一份盗版的侏罗纪世界做种,并且是从他们自己的
: 服务器。
: The Chris Pratt-featuring reinvention of Steve Spielberg’s 1993 action
: spectacular that revolutionised visual effects, has been riding high in the
: box office top 10, but has also seen high levels of piracy.
: Universal filed a takedown notice with Google on 15 July under the US Digital
: Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), as spotted by the Register, demanding that
: the search engine block links to several sites allegedly hosting or linking
: to pirated copies of Jurassic World.
: 环球已经借由DMCA请google移除含有盗版的网站搜寻结果。
: Among the block requests was a link to “”. The
: Internet Protocol address “” is typically reserved to describe the
: “localhost” or machine on which a program or user is operating. This
: indicates the pirated copy of the movie was being hosted within Universal’s
: own computer network.
: 在这个黑名单里面有着一个连结是http://,通常代表着本机,
: 这可以确定至少有一份盗版是由环球自己的电脑网络做种中。
: (此段原理不清楚,希望有比较懂torrent的可以做解释)
: Movie studios and publishers typically use automated programs that search for
: unlicensed copyrighted works, in this case a movie. The program likely found
: a file being linked to from outside Universal’s network on its own
: computers, meaning that Universal was seeding pirated copies of its own movie.
: 电影公司以及发行厂商通常都用自动软件来抓盗版,这次这个软件抓到了一个档案从
: 环球外的网络连结到了环球使用的电脑,意味着环球之前一直帮盗版做种。
: Universal is no stranger to odd takedown requests. The movie studio also sent
: takedown notices to Google to request that the Internet Movie Database page
: listing its film Fast & Furious 7 be removed from Google’s index despite it
: hosting no infringing content.
: 环球对于"向google提出移除搜寻的要求"已经相当熟练,同时他也提出另外的移除申请
: ,移除在GOOGLE搜寻中IMDB网站里面有关玩命关头7的网页,尽管他并没有违反版权。
: 我是看不太懂原种子就是从他们公司流出,还是他们公司的电脑下载到了盗版并做种。代表就是“自己”