2014 美国外景制片公会(Location Managers Guild of America)奖 电影类得奖名单
杰出当代影片外景 Outstanding Locations in a Contemporary Film:
五星主厨快餐车 Chef (Kei Rowan-Young)
控制 Gone Girl (Rick Schuler and Steve Mapel)
独家腥闻 Nightcrawler (Curtis Collins and Mike Brewer)
赌徒 The Gambler (Chris Baugh)
那时候,我只剩下勇敢 Wild (Nancy Haecker)
杰出时代影片外景 Outstanding Locations in a Period Film:
怒火特攻队 Fury (Russell Lodge and Lee Robertson)
性本恶 Inherent Vice (Larry Ring and Scott Fitzgerald)
逐梦大道 Selma (Wes Hagen and Leif Tilden)
欢迎来到布达佩斯大饭店 The Grand Budapest Hotel (Klaus Darrelmann)
模仿游戏 The Imitation Game (David Broder and Richard George)
杰出电影委员会 Outstanding Film Commission:
Chicago Film Office
City of Long Beach Office of Special Events and Filming
Film in Iceland
Oregon Governor's Office fo Film & Television
Royal Film Commission of Jordan