2014 美国国家影评人协会(National Society of Film Critics) 得奖名单
最佳影片 Best Picture:
“告别语言 Goodbye to Language” (25)
“年少时代 Boyhood” (24)
“鸟人 Birdman” (10)
“透纳先生 Mr. Turner” (10)
最佳导演 Best Director:
李察林克雷特 Richard Linklater, “年少时代 Boyhood” (36)
尚卢高达 Jean-Luc Godard, “告别语言 Goodbye to Language” (17)
麦克李 Mike Leigh, “透纳先生 Mr. Turner” (12)
最佳男主角 Best Actor:
提摩西司伯 Timothy Spall, “透纳先生 Mr. Turner” (31)
汤姆哈迪 Tom Hardy, “失控 Locke” (10)
Ralph Fiennes, “欢迎来到布达佩斯大饭店 The Grand Budapest Hotel”(9)
瓦昆菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix, “性本恶 Inherent Vice” (9)
最佳女主角 Best Actress: (First-ballot winner)
玛莉咏柯蒂亚 Marion Cotillard, “Two Days, One Night” and “The Immigrant”(80)
茱莉安摩尔 Julianne Moore, “我想念我自己 Still Alice” (35)
史嘉蕾乔韩森 Scarlett Johansson, “露西 Lucy” and “Under the Skin” (21)
最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor:
JK西蒙斯 J.K. Simmons, “进击的鼓手 Whiplash” (24)
马克鲁法洛 Mark Ruffalo, “狐狸捕手 Foxcatcher” (21)
艾德华诺顿 Edward Norton, “鸟人 Birdman” (16)
最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress:
派翠西亚艾奎特 Patricia Arquette, “年少时代 Boyhood” (26)
艾嘉达库雷莎 Agata Kulesza, “依达的抉择 Ida” (18)
蕾妮罗素 Rene Russo, “独家腥闻 Nightcrawler” (9)
最佳剧本 Best Screenplay:
Wes Anderson, “欢迎来到布达佩斯大饭店 The Grand Budapest Hotel” (24)
Alejandro G. Inarritu, Nicolas Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris
Jr., Armando Bo, “鸟人 Birdman” (15)
Paul Thomas Anderson, “性本恶 Inherent Vice”(15)
最佳摄影 Best Cinematography:
Dick Pope, “透纳先生 Mr. Turner” (33)
Darius Khondji, “浮世伤痕 The Immigrant” (27)
Fabrice Aragno, “告别语言 Goodbye to Language” (9)
最佳非虚构片 Best Nonfiction: (First-ballot winner)
“第四公民 Citizenfour” (56)
“欢迎光临国家画廊 National Gallery” (19)
“守护异乡人 The Overnighters” (17)
影片承袭奖 Film Heritage Award:
1. To Ron Magliozzi, associate curator, and Peter Williamson, film
conservation manager, of the Museum of Modern Art, for identifying and
assembling the earliest surviving footage of what would have been the feature
film to star a black cast, the 1913 “Lime Kiln Field Day” starring Bert
2. To Ron Hutchinson, co-founder and director of The Vitaphone Project, which
since 1991 has collected and restored countless original soundtrack discs for
early sound short films and features, including the recent Warner Bros.
restoration of William A. Seiter’s 1929 “Why Be Good?”
The meeting was dedicated to the memory of two distinguished members of the
Society who died in 2014: Jay Carr and Charles Champlin.