Not long after "Pacific Rim" was released, whispers of a sequel started, and
Charlie Day revealed that his character might be on a more villainous path in
the second installment.
"I remember when I first met with [del Toro] that he liked the idea of Newt
becoming a bit of a villain in the second film," Day told Crave last year.
"But, I think over the course of making the film, and the way the character
resonated with the audience, I don’t think he would want to turn him into a
villain now, but I really have no idea."
Charlie Day和怪兽世界产生连结 他在续集会是反派吗?
In addition to Day, Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi are all but confirmed to
appear in the sequel. Kikuchi has even hinted that Idris Elba could make an
appearance (despite his death in the first film), suggesting her character
Mako might be able to communicate with her surrogate father via the Drift.
(Of course, if the movie turns out the be a prequel, his character would
still be alive.)
男女主角都将回归 连将军都有可能以某种形式出现
最有可能的情形就是出现在女主角的drift mode?
Earlier this year, del Toro announced that the "Pacific Rim" sequel will hit
theaters on April 7, 2017 — nearly four years after the first film was