Frozen hit what's likely to be its final milestone this weekend. The movie
held first place in Japan for the sixth-straight weekend, and has now earned
an incredible $104.1 million there. In the process, it passed The Lord of the
Rings: The Return of the King and Transformers: Dark of the Moon to move up
to sixth place on the all-time worldwide chart. It's also now the
highest-grossing animated movie overseas with $729.3 million.
冰雪奇缘在日本周末票房六连霸 (击败新开画的柯南剧场版:异次元的狙击手)
目前累积票房在日本超过一亿美金, 而在影史总票房排名超越了魔戒王者再临 还有
变形金刚第三集 成为影史票房第六名
同时, 他也是影史所有动画海外票房第一名, 7亿2千9百30万 (第二为冰原历险记)