※ 引述《Punisher (Frank Castle)》之铭言:
: 对于美国队长1 第一集一上映就去看
: 不夸张
: 真的看到热血沸腾
: 特别是剧情 从他即使身材矮小 依然勇敢为正义挺身而出 到后来变成美国队长的心路
: 这其间的转折 人格深度
: 美国队长其实充其量就只是一个强化人士兵
: 但是可贵的是他的心 正直 举世无双的正直
: 就算中间一度不受重用 被当作宣传机器 在台上当作跳梁小丑宣传美国国威
: 他却做了 因为他知道 这世界还会有需要他的地方 将有一天还需要他拯救
: 美国队长他的人格在电影中表露无遗 特别是博士几度和他互动 看了很感动
: 我个人认为 在复仇者联盟上演前 美国队长1是最好看的Marvel制作超级英雄电影
: (自己心中 美国队长1甚至比钢铁人1评价还高)
: 所以看完后 当时看到板上不少负雷文 接二连三
: 坦白说 满难过的 原来有这么多人不喜欢美国队长1这部电影
: 确实 美国队长不如其他超级英雄电影 动作戏打得血脉喷张
: 甚至如剧情年代所述 有些老派 老掉牙
: 但在这道德秩序混沌的年代 美国队长的正直 这不更显得难能可贵吗
: 请问 有没有人也很喜欢"美国队长第一集"的呢?
: 发钱 希望有相同想法喜欢"美国队长第一集"的人 前10个喜欢推的人每人30P 谢谢
让我们来看看Screen Junkies是怎么讲的:
From the studio dumb enough to sell their model franchise rights to Disney,
comes yet another movie that only exists to set up the Avengers.
Captain America: The First Avenger
美国队长: 第一个复仇者
Stand tall for a superhero movie with an important message: It's what's on
the inside that counts......except for when it comes to fighting, or being
respected, (Tommy Lee Jones: Look at that, he is makin' me cry) or getting
laid. (Cap: They're not exactly lining up to dance with a guy that might step
on them)
摩拳擦掌准备好一部传达重要讯息的超级英雄片: 一个人的内在才是最重要的......
或是要约砲的时候。(队长: 女生基本上不太会跟一个会踩到她们脚的人跳舞)
Meet Johnny Storm the Human Torch......wing no that's wrong movie.
Meet Steve Rogers, a grown man's head CGI onto a little boy's body. He is a
skinny kid from Brooklyn who dresses like it's the 1940's......so basically
a modern-day kid from Brooklyn. Watch as he becomes superhero in the most
America way possible: STERIODS (Peggy: How do you feel? Cap: Taller), abs~~
He'll juice up to become Captain America, a soldier with the powers of: being
a little stronger than a regular strong guy, ultimate Frisbee and uh..........
super sobriety??(Cap: I can's get drunk)
Forget Tony Stark's ridiculous 3D holograms and return to an analog world full
of: lever pulling, switch clipping, button pressing, dial turing, and people
calling out percentage with absolutely so context.
Ride along with Captain America, as he faces off against the evil Red Skull,
who along with everyone else in Si-Fi fantacy is played by Hugo Weaving.
Cheer as the Captain defeats his arch-nemesis in a brisk 2-minute montage, all
to leave more time for foreshadowing THE AVENGERS, introducing a plot device
form THE AVENGERS, unnecessarily freezing himself so he can be in THE AVENGERS,
and an adequate scene that is literally a trailer for THE AVENGERS.