特效影片最佳视觉效果 Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects-Driven
Feature Motion Picture
地心引力 Gravity
钢铁人3 Iron Man 3
环太平洋 Pacific Rim
闇黑无界:星际争霸战 Star Trek: Into Darkness
哈比人:荒谷恶龙 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
剧情影片最佳辅助视觉效果 Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Feature
Motion Picture
决战终点线 Rush
大亨小传 The Great Gatsby
独行侠 The Lone Ranger
白日梦冒险王 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street
白宫末日 White House Down
动画影片最佳动画 Outstanding Animation in an Animated Feature Motion Picture
食破天惊2 Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2
神偷奶爸2 Despicable Me 2
冰雪奇缘 Frozen
怪兽大学 Monsters University
古鲁家族 The Croods
实景影片最佳动画角色 Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Feature
Motion Picture
地心引力 Gravity: Ryan (莱恩)
奥兹大帝 Oz the Great and Powerful: China Girl
环太平洋 Pacific Rim: Kaiju - Leatherback (怪兽革龟)
哈比人:荒谷恶龙 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug: Smaug (史矛革)
动画影片最佳动画角色 Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature
Motion Picture
森林战士 Epic: Bomba (邦巴)
森林战士 Epic: Mary Katherine (玛莉凯萨琳)
冰雪奇缘 Frozen: Bringing the Snow Queen to Life
古鲁家族 The Croods: Eep (一妹)
实景影片最佳虚拟场景 Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Feature
Motion Picture
极乐世界 Elysium: Torus (圆环)
地心引力 Gravity: Interior
地心引力 Gravity: Exterior
钢铁人3 Iron Man 3: Shipyard (造船厂)
环太平洋 Pacific Rim: Virtual Hong Kong
动画影片最佳虚拟场景 Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature
Motion Picture
森林战士 Epic: Pod Patch
冰雪奇缘 Frozen: Elsa's Ice Palace (艾莎的冰雪宫殿)
怪兽大学 Monsters University: Campus (校园)
古鲁家族 The Croods: The Maze (迷宫)
实景影片最佳虚拟摄影技术 Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Live Action
Feature Motion Picture
地心引力 Gravity
钢铁人3 Iron Man 3
超人:钢铁英雄 Man of Steel
环太平洋 Pacific Rim: Hong Kong Ocean Brawl
哈比人:荒谷恶龙 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
剧情影片最佳模型 Outstanding Models in a Feature Motion Picture
地心引力 Gravity: ISS Exterior
环太平洋 Pacific Rim
闇黑无界:星际争霸战 Star Trek: Into Darkness
独行侠 The Lone Ranger: Colby Locomotive (科尔比市火车头)
动画影片最佳FX模拟 Outstanding FX and Simulation Animation in an Animated
Feature Motion Picture
食破天惊2 Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2
森林战士 Epic: Boggan Crowds
冰雪奇缘 Frozen: Elsa's Blizzard (艾莎的暴风雪)
古鲁家族 The Croods
实景影片最佳FX模拟 Outstanding FX and Simulation Animation in a Live Action
Feature Motion Picture
地心引力 Gravity: Parachute and ISS Destruction
超人:钢铁英雄 Man of Steel
环太平洋 Pacific Rim: Fluid Simulation & Destruction
哈比人:荒谷恶龙 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
剧情影片最佳合成特效 Outstanding Compositing in a Feature Motion Picture
极乐世界 Elysium
地心引力 Gravity
钢铁人3 Iron Man 3: Barrel of Monkeys
钢铁人3 Iron Man 3: House Attack
哈比人:荒谷恶龙 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
详细名单 http://www.visualeffectssociety.com/12th-Annual-VES-Awards-Nominees