EW - Inside Movies
There will be one less mutant in this summer’s highly anticipated X-Men:
Days of Future Past, which combines the casts of the original X-Men trilogy
with those of 2011′s First Class. Director Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects)
has revealed to EW exclusively that a rescue sequence — shot early in the
film’s production and featuring Magneto (Ian McKellen), Professor X (Patrick
Stewart), Rogue (Anna Paquin), and Iceman (Shawn Ashmore) — has been cut
from the final film. Sadly, this means that Rogue’s screen time has been
significantly chopped down as well.
饰演老万磁王的Ian McKellen、老X教授Patrick Stewart、小淘气Anna Paquin
以及冰人Shawn Ashmore
比较可惜的是 该段戏本来是全片中小淘气Anna Paquin唯一出场的桥段
也就是说 到时戏院的正片里将不会有小淘气的出现...