ID4星际终结者2 预定在2015年7月3日上映
虽然之前威尔史密斯曾说他没有兴趣 不过也许他之后他会考虑也不一定
首集导演Roland Emmerich会继续执导这部电影 之前他还拍过2012 明天过后 酷斯拉等片
他透露目前有两份剧本准备未来进行制作 一份有威尔史密斯参与 另一份则没有
Director Says "Independence Days 2" Has Two Scripts
"Independence Day" sequel is already set to hit theaters on July 3rd, 2015
and will bring back Bill Pullman and Jeff Goldblum. And even though we heard
that Will Smith has no interest in reprising his role, apparently there's
still a chance that he may reconsider.
Director Roland Emmerich revealed that "Independence Day 2" has two scripts
ready to go into production, one with Smith's involvement and one without.
Regarding whether he thinks the actor will eventually join the cast, Emmerich
said: "It's looking good."
When Emmerich first started talking about the sequel, he said that the plan
was to shoot two more films simultaneously. Apparently the studio decided
against it and will take it one movie at a time.