crmyld (壹佰)
2013-08-09 14:39:30※ 引述《ts00288843 (大雄)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《dasbeste (默)》之铭言:
: 刚好今天也在想这段台词 想要借原PO的文再问一次
: 老太太说当他的容貌画面不再清晰不再那么容易想起他
: 那感觉就像是我又再一次失去了他
: 觉得那段台词真的很有感触
: 请问有没有那位版大记得那一部份的台词呢~?
But lately I've been forgetting little things
it is sort of fading and i'm starting to forget him
And it's like... like losing hime again
so sometimes, i made myself remember every detail of his face
his exact color of his eyes, his lips, his teeth,
but extra his skin, his hair.
but it's all gone by the time went
And sometimes, not always, but sometimes I can truely see him.
As if a cloud moves away and he is, I can almost touch him
but then Doria were rushes in and he vanishes again
But I were did this is in every morning
when the sun was not too bright outside, the sun somehow makes him vanished.
that's he appear and he disappear,
like a sunrise, sunset, anything so a familiar.
Just like our life, we appear and... we disappear.
And we are so important to some, but we are just... passing through.