Re: [请益] 爱在午夜希腊时的一段台词

楼主: simonohmygod (曼聯魂)   2013-08-09 05:36:56
※ 引述《ts00288843 (大雄)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《dasbeste (默)》之铭言:
: : 昨天去看了爱在午夜希腊时
: : 特别喜欢在大餐桌那个场景时
: : 老太太讲的一段话
: : 内容大概是讲到在她伴侣过世后
: : 每当她做什么事 都可猜想到她伴侣会说什么
: : 她能记得关于伴侣的每个细节
: : 但这些日子以来
: : 所有细节似乎渐渐要淡忘
: : 她变得必须非常努力回忆以避免遗忘
: : 然后最后以大家举杯敬"过客"而结束这个场景
: : 很喜欢这段台词
: : 非常耐人寻味 也值得深思
: : 但完整内容真的记不起来也找不到
: : 在IMDB只看到这一句:
: : "Like sunlight, sunset, we appear, we disappear. We are so important to some,
: : but we are just passing through"
: : 想请问有没有版友知道这段完整的台词的
: : 非常感谢!!!!!
: 刚好今天也在想这段台词 想要借原PO的文再问一次
: 老太太说当他的容貌画面不再清晰不再那么容易想起他
: 那感觉就像是我又再一次失去了他
: 觉得那段台词真的很有感触
: 请问有没有那位版大记得那一部份的台词呢~?
But lately I forgetting small things
Everything is starting to fade
and I'm starting to forget
And it's like that ...
As well lose it again
sometimes I remember
Every detail of his face
Her eyes her lips her teeth
His hair his skin
But now it is no longer
And sometimes ... sometimes but not always
I can see it
As if a cloud moved and the
is there like you could almost touch it
But then ... enters the real world
And he vanishes again
But I do this every morning when
the sun is not so bright outside
But the sun is as makes it disappears
And comes and goes as the
sun when it rises and when it gets
Whatever ...
It's like life
We appear and disappear And we are so important to some
But we are just ... passing
作者: nicooooo1986 (妮可何)   2013-08-09 08:53:00
作者: mpcb (绕了一圈)   2013-08-09 10:00:00
作者: kinnsan (覇津根魅苦亲卫队)   2013-08-09 10:57:00

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