故事/编剧 Travic Beacham
I think tonally it’s definitely an influence, because really what blew me
away the first time I saw “Evangelion” was it treated this genre, this sort
of silly genre – or a genre that could be sort of silly, and could be
outlandish and cartoonish – and treated it with a real sophistication. Which
I really liked. I think what I identified less with in “Evangelion” was the
sort of apocalypticism of it, and kind of a surrender to human neuroses or
Oh yeah, definitely. I think as a kid, Voltron was definitely a favorite of
mine. Then, I really like Big O. I like the Gunbuster and Diebuster series. I
really like Evangelion and Escaflowne. I can think of so many. It's sort of
like a personal kind of technology. It's really like my primal being in a
weird way.
导演 Guillermo del Toro
That's one of the four animes I've never seen. I will acknowledge openly the
influence of Patlabor, gladly. I'll fully acknowledge most Gaiden movies being
an influence, but Evangelion, I have, and they bought it for me before the
movie started and I made it a point not to watch it. I said "I don't know if
it's close or not, but I don't want to be influenced," you know? Now I'm gonna
watch it. I always loved the designs. I actually bought a couple of the toys
because the look is fantastic. I don't know if it's the good guy or the bad guy
but from a purely visual point of view I love it. I will watch it, I'm hugely
influenced by anime; I have no problem with that above board but unfortunately
I haven't seen Evangelion. I'm so attracted to the designs that I'd blindly go
and buy all the toys but my daughter has watched it this year and said "You're
gonna like it." And my daughter is my guru. My two daughters are my contact
with the world.
他女儿有看过动画 而且跟戴托罗说他一定会喜欢
"I haven't seen Evangelion. I accept you Patlabor, [as an influence] from anime
industry, or, Tetsujin-28, I don't have any problem saying 'I love them',
'they're an influence for me'. Regarding Evangelion, I have the DVDs, I haven't
opened them, I haven't seen it. Yeah, there is anime influence [in Pacific
Rim], but not from that anime in particular"