※ 引述《Nacia (娜希雅)》之铭言:
: 最近迷上珍妮佛康奈莉....
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYJs97hGWpk
: 想请问一下,有人知道全部桥段的片名为何吗??
0:05 Career Opportunities《神采飞扬》
0:09 He's Just Not That Into You《他其实没那么喜欢妳》
0:13 The Rocketeer《火箭人》
0:16 Some Girls
0:21 Career Opportunities《神采飞扬》
0:25 Hot Spot《激情热点》
0:29 Dark City《极光追杀令》
0:33 Of Love And Shadows《英雄战场》
0:36 A Beautiful Mind《美丽境界》
0:39 The Rocketeer《火箭人》
0:43 Career Opportunities《神采飞扬》
0:47 He's Just Not That Into You《他其实没那么喜欢妳》
0:51 Little Children《身为人母》
0:54 Inventing the Abbotts《爱的秘密1997》
0:57 Hot Spot《激情热点》
1:03 House of Sand and Fog《尘雾家园》
1:07 Of Love and Shadows《英雄战场》
1:10 The Rocketeer《火箭人》
1:14 A Beautiful Mind《美丽境界》
1:17 Some Girls
1:25 House of Sand and Fog《尘雾家园》
1:28 Requiem for a Dream《噩梦挽歌》
1:31 Career Opportunities《神采飞扬》
1:37 A Beautiful Mind《美丽境界》
1:39 Hot Spot《激情热点》
1:43 Of Love and Shadows《英雄战场》
1:46 The Rocketeer《火箭人》
1:50 Some Girls
1:55 He's Just Not That Into You《他其实没那么喜欢妳》
2:01 Dark City《极光追杀令》
2:06 House of Sand and Fog《尘雾家园》
2:09 The Rocketeer《火箭人》
2:17 Career Opportunities《神采飞扬》
2:23 Hot Spot《激情热点》
2:27 Some Girls
2:31 House of Sand and Fog《尘雾家园》
2:34 Little Children《身为人母》
2:38 Some Girls
2:42 The Rocketeer《火箭人》
2:45 Career Opportunities《神采飞扬》
2:49 House of Sand and Fog《尘雾家园》
2:51 Hot Spot《激情热点》
2:57 Of Love and Shadows《英雄战场》
作者: lave70 2013-01-15 19:52:00
Odyseus (阿星)
2013-06-24 16:35:00她真的好美 :)
angel face, DIABLO body 可惜做胸缩
C2C (西土西)
2013-06-24 23:31:00她演浩克那版本很棒!
作者: nysj 2013-06-25 21:49:00
作者: bymee (残眼) 2013-06-26 00:23:00