1.免疫学半日通 150
2.Katzung Review of pharmacology 250
3.临床解剖学指引 150
4.Basic clinical parasitology 150
5.wheaters functional histology 200
6.snell clinical neuroanatomy 200
7.wheaters basic histopathology 200
8.基础骨科学与创伤学 200
9.washington manual 250
10.internal medicine peripheral brain 200
11.review of medical physiology 250
12. Medical microbiology and immunology 200
13. 100 chest x Ray problem 200
14.NMS biochemistry 200
15 NMS microbiology 200
16 NMS pharmacology 200
17 NMS physiology 250
18 NMS neuroanatomy 200
19 BRS gross anatomy 200
20 pathophysiolgy of disease 250
21 current pediatric diagnosis and treatment 250
22 current ob/gyn diagnosis and treatment 250
23 clinical ophthalamology 200
24 clinical anesthesiology 250
25 NMS medicine 250
26 diagnostic imaging 250
27 blueprints pediatric 200
28 blueprints OBSGYN 200