Architect (仇æ¨ã€ç„¡æ¥ã€çˆ¶æ¬Šã€æš´åŠ›)
2014-11-18 15:56:08http://ppt.cc/HtgM
大意是说, "蓝调石墙T" 的作者 Leslie Feinberg 于美国时间 11/15 日在纽约的家中
过世, 享年 65 岁, ( 过世原因为 "succumbed to complications from multiple tick-
-borne co-infections, including Lyme disease, babeisiosis, and protomyxzoa
rheumatica", 太多医学专业术语, 其实我不是很清楚中文该怎么翻比较正确. )
过世时与其相依 22 年的妻子在旁陪伴 ,
最后的遗言为 "Remember me as a revolutionary communist."
其他一些有关 Leslie Feinberg 个人的生平介绍以及其著作 / 主张对世人的影响, 有兴
趣的朋友可自行点入上面的网址阅读; 值得注意的是, 在 Leslie 过世前, 她正着手于
"蓝调石墙T" 20 周年纪念版:
"She worked up to within a few days of her death to prepare the edition for
free access, reading, and download from on-line. In addition to the text of
the novel, the on-line edition will contain a slideshow."
至于 Leslie 跨性别的身份与文章中的她/他 ( she/he ) 的使用,
"DITOR'S NOTE: Though we have often used "he" in reference to Feinberg, we
recognize that this obituary was written by Feinberg's wife, Minnie Bruce
Pratt, while at the author's bedside. Thus we are using her preferred
pronouns here, despite our previous reporting."