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作者: peacefull (大醉一场) 看板: StudyGroup
标题: [精进] [台北] iEnglish Club英语读书会
时间: Wed Jan 14 22:54:25 2015
1. 自介:
Taipei Interactive Engish Club 为非营利的英文读书会及英文会话社团,
http://www.ienglishclub.tw/ Log in to receive iEnglish Weekly ePaper!
20150101-03 outing photos:
20150110 Gathering video:
14:30-15:20 Session I: Current Events Discussion (News discussion/Free talk)
15:20-15:30 Feedback I
15:30-15:40 Regrouping & Break
15:40-16:00 Speech Session
16:00-17:00 Session II: Article Discussion (Please MUST read weekly article)
17:00-17:15 Feedback II
17:15-17:30 Closing (Welcome to have dinner with us!)
3. 范围:
Session 1: Any news or issues, you can print out your topic to
gathering for discussion.
ex: BBC, NYTimes, TED, http://focustaiwan.tw/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events
Session 2: Weekly Article Discussion
Session 2: Weekly Article Discussion
20150117 Herr and Madame, Señor and Mrs
1. Are you pro or against international marriage? Please explain.
2. What is international marriage like in your mind?
3. What is your opinion on government policies concerning foreign
spouses in Taiwan?
4. 对象及目标:
Ones who are keen to learn English for Reading/Conversation/Presentation
Welcome to introduce yourself on iEnglish forum if you're a newcomer!
5. 原因:
Build an environment to sharpen English skills.
6. 时间及地点:
Every Saturday Afternoon 14:30-17:30.
The next gathering is on the 17th of January .
人性空间 (捷运公馆站4号出口) 台北市罗斯福路三段286巷4弄1号
7. 参加方式: 会员轮流担任Host/Speaker
不须事先报名 请阅读当周文章思考过问题后直接参加即可!