Tzetze (小仔)
2010-08-15 16:00:43QUEST 81 - 600,000.00 gBs
Town council Green Valley
Hedgerow Ville's streets are in a miserable state. Only last week, a bus-load
of gnomes has vanished in a pot-hole! As emperor, it is your duty, to take
care of your subjects' well-being. Your Road Construction Office is estimating
an amount of 600,000.00 gnome Bucks to repair the damages. By the way,
advertising your coffee has paid off. The gnomes now love coffee!
QUEST 80 - 12000 apples, 12000 pears and 12000 pumpkins
Town council Green Valley
Oh dear! Our neighbouring country Gnomeville has been struck by a terrible
famine. Their King is asking for your help. Deliver 12,000 apples, pears and
pumpkins each, to ward off that plight. He has promised to reward your offers
with an item from his own private collection.
QUEST 79 - 33333 coffee-beans
Town council Green Valley
Oh mighty Emperor! Your Gnome-Discoverers are constantly bustling about on
other continents, and came across an amazing plant. Coffee! Your subjects,
however, don't seem to be that fond of the bitter stuff. Distribute 33,333
coffee-beans among your subject, to increase its popularity. Your people will
surely thank you in the end!
QUEST 78 - 12000 carrots and 6000 walnuts
Town council Green Valley
It all started with a carrot. For 10 days now, gardening guru River Lilacbush
has honored the founding day of his allotment empire "Crispy Carrots" by
holding a large carrot-pie party. Unfortunately his harvest has suffered badly
by the rabbits of the new local rabbit breeding society RABIES, so he needs a
delivery of 12,000 carrots and 2,000 walnuts. Lilacbush will reward you with
150,000 points.
QUEST 77 - 6000 potatoes, 2000 cauliflowers and 500 apples
Town council Green Valley
Green Valley's charity organization "We Care For Gnomes (WCFG)" is planning
their annual summer camp for all adolescent gnomes. So the young gnomes are
perfectly taken are of, the organization needs a few additional donations of
vegetables and fruits. Deliver 6,000 potatoes, 2,000 cauliflowers and 500
apples. The good cause will earn you 30,000 points.
QUEST 76 - 4500 gerberas and 5300 lilies
Town council Green Valley
The Gnome Disco "Dancing Daffodil" has held its first single-party. To identify
themselves, the male singles were supposed to adorn their button-holes with
gerberas, while the female singles were asked to put a lily in their hair.
Because of the large attendance, Hedgerow Ville's florist is now completely
sold out. The owner urgently needs a delivery of 4,500 gerberas and 5,300
lilies and will pay you 12,000.000 gB.
QUEST 75 - 1100 lavender, 1000 marigolds and 900 garlic
Town council Green Valley
The amiable healer Selina is contacting Molehill Empire from the dimension
Xenyoo. To prepare her healing potion, she lacks 1,100 lavender, 1,000
marigolds and 900 cloves of garlic. As she hasn't fully grasped the concept
of conversion rates, an unscrupulous money changer managed to take her for a
ride, so all she can pay you are a mere 15,000.00 gB's. But think of the
honor that will be bestowed on you, when she tells of your munificence and
grandeur on Xenyoo DW!
QUEST 74 - 1 fire pit
Town council Green Valley
To celebrate Orlando Blommingfields, star of this year's blockbuster "Lord of
the Treerings", the community Green Valley is organizing an exclusive Treering-
Convention. Unfortunately the professional pyro-technicians have missed their
connecting flight to Hedgerow Ville, which is why the organizers are now short
of an atmospheric campfire. Please deliver a fire-pit to the organizational
committee. In exchange, you will receive 150,000 points, and who knows, maybe
you will run across Orlando Bloomingfields on the way...
QUEST 73 - 4700 blueberries, 2400 blackberries and 900 plums
Town council Green Valley
The ice-cream manufacturers are celebrating their anniversary! In order to
drawattention to this event, they are planning to create a special flavor. To
produce the special edition "Blue Boss", they need 4,700 blueberries, 2,500
blackberries and 900 plums. As a token of gratitude, you will receive
72,000.00 gB.
QUEST 72 - 4000 roses, 2500 gerberas and 1250 lavender
Town council Green Valley
Green Valley's new town council has openly argued for an official intervention
to stop Al Gardone's fruitful black mole-market. One day later, the desperate
chairman Rudolph Rusty-Rake and his secretary Lewellyn 'O Hare are standing
in front of their thoroughly mauled flower-beds... not even a single flower has
survived the attack! Deliver 4,000 roses, 2,500 gerberas and 1,250 lavender to
repair the damage. You will receive 25,000 points in exchange.
QUEST 71 - a zen garden
Town council Green Valley
The communities Hedgerow Ville and Green Valley are planning to expand their
export-market and have invited the ambassador of wealthy Pang-Ping-Pong, to
visit the local gardeners. As the ambassador has a reputation of being
chronically homesick, his hotel-room is going to be designed in Pang-Ping-Pong
-style. The hotel-manager of Hedgerow Ville's 5-star hotel "The Happy Allotment
Holder" now urgently needs a zen-garden. Your diplomatic aide will reward you
with 25,000 points.
QUEST 70 - 6000 tomatoes, 12000 lettuce and 18000 carrots
Town council Green Valley
The hip daily soap "Mole Alley" is planning to cast the role of sinister
mole-dealer Al Gardone. The Catering-company "Tomato 2 Go" urgently needs 6,000
tomatoes, 12,000 heads of lettuce and 18,000 carrots to supply the crew with
sandwiches. You can look forward to 1,800.00 and a warm handshake of director
Ted Wood.
QUEST 69 - 25000 tomatoes
Town council Green Valley
Green Valley's number one theater company "The Loyal Pear-Shake Players" are
planning to stage the play "Murder in the backyard". In order to produce enough
artificial blood for the gory drama, the company needs a delivery of 25,000
tomatoes. You will receive 4,000.00 gB on delivery.
QUEST 68 - 10000 carrots, 5000 tomatoes and 20000 lettuce
Town council Green Valley
The cultural society Green Valley is holding its first "Museum Night". The
excentric artists' duo Pavlov Pistachio and Vinzenco van Gherkin are planning
to erect one of their larger-than-life vegetable installations in front of
the city museum Green Valley. They need 10,000 carrots, 5,000 tomatoes and
20,000 heads of lettuce. The culturalsociety will reward you with 2,000.00 gB
and 2,000 points.
QUEST 67 - 10xfootpath2
Town council Green Valley
Green Valley rocks! The Hippy-community Green Valley is planning to stage a
tribute to the legendary festival "Rockin' Green Valley". So the expected
masses of Rock music-fans won't trample the community's lovingly tended
flower fields, Green Valley's flower children urgently need 10 footpaths 2.
Please deliver the footpaths as soon as possible to the community-leader. As
a thank-you, you will receive 20,000.00 gB and 15,000 points.
QUEST 66 - 750 lavender, 1300 cucumbers and 4000 carrots
Town council Green Valley
The cosmetics-manufacturer "Blooming Meadows" has developed a new series of
wellness products. The skin tightening cream "Eighteen-year Old Peach" has
turned out to be a hit with the female gnomes - and surprisingly so, with the
males as well! It only took a week until the manufacturer had run out of his
complete supply. Desperate, the manager is asking for a special delivery of
750 lavender, 1,300 cucumbers and 4,000 carrots. He will pay you 12,000.00
QUEST 65 - 3400 lavender and 7500 olives
Town council Green Valley
Thanks to the success of the regional horticultural show, Green Valley has been
nominated as venue for the next national horticultural show. In keeping with
the show's motto "Mediterranean Garden Feeling", the city marketing is planning
to create a Provençal park at the outskirts of Green Valley. In order to
realize their plan, the city marketing needs 3,400 lavender and 7,500 olive
trees. As token of gratitude for your support, you will receive 200,000.00 gB.
QUEST 64 - 900 onions, 1400 blackberries, 1200 red cabbages and 7000 carrots
Town council Green Valley
The Research Center Hedgerow Ville has been chosen to supply the GNASA's next
space mission with food. Now the professors are feverishly preparing the
ultra-compressed mush, used to fill the food-tubes. Unfortunately the
research-team has run out of vegetable supply for the food replacement type
"Spaced Out". Deliver 900 onions, 1,400 blackberries, 1,200 red cabbages and
7,000 carrots to the research center. You will receive 15,000.00 gB and
3,000 points.
QUEST 63 - 1700 pumpkins, 1400 asparagus, 600 apples and 600 cherries
Town council Green Valley
Every 4 years, Green Valley holds the legendary Gnome Olympics. For the
Olympic disciplines "Pumpkin Tossing", "Asparagus-Spearing", "Applesauce-
Slurping" and "Cherry-Pit-Spitting", another 1,700 pumpkins, 600 apples,
1,400 asparagus and 600 cherries are needed. Following the motto of "It's
taking part, that counts!", the Olympic committee will reward you with
honorable 35,000 points.
QUEST 62 - 2350 Walnuts, 1000 plums and 800 red cabbages
Town council Green Valley
Poor aunt Edna has burnt her award-winning roast goose last Christmas. Unable
to bear the shame, she has invited the entire community of Green Valley to a
grande roast goose feast. However, she still needs 2,350 walnuts, 1,000 plums
and 800 red cabbages, to prepare the filling and side-dishes. Unfortunately
she cannot spare even a dime of her sparse pension, but you will receive
150,000 points as thank-you for helping her out.
QUEST 61 - 1 pond
Town council Green Valley
The society of Green Valley's senior citizens proves, that elderly gnomes can
still be fit and jolly. The spry retirees have now planned to add a water
gymnastics class to their weekly schedule. Since their backs are not what they
used to be, they cannot dig the necessary pond themselves. Please send a pond
to the society of senior citizens. You will receive 6 garden gnomes from the
private collection of the society's chairwoman, Miranda Molehair
QUEST 60 - 12500 crocuses
Town council Green Valley
The producer of GBC's successful mystery show "XXX" has chosen Green Valley as
setting for the newest episode "Crop Circles". The vanguard director Friedrich
von Fluster unfortunately insists on staging the chase scene through the crops
in a circular crocus-bed. The desperate producer now urgently needs 12,500
crocuses. As reward for your services, he has promised to hand you formidable
10,000.00 gB and 9,000 Points.
QUEST 59 - 4000 Cauliflowers, 4000 Broccoli and 4000 asparagus
Town council Green Valley
The food manufacturer Captain Fishbone is looking for organic vegetables, to
produce his newest fish-delicacy "Organic Fish Bake". Only the best quality
is good enough, as the test-eaters of the local gnome consumer's union, are
known to be unrelenting. For your delivery of 4,000 broccoli, 4,000 cauliflowers
and 4,000 asparagus, the fish producers will pay you the handsome sum of
40,000.00 gB.
QUEST 58 - 1 gazebo2
Town council Green Valley
The chairman of Green Valley's gardeners' society is celebrating his silver
wedding. The party is scheduled to take place in his own garden. Unfortunately
his wooden gazebo has collapsed under the load of visitors during the society's
last garden-party. Deliver a gazebo 2, to save the day! The chairman is
prepared to pay you 7,500.00 gB.
QUEST 57 - 3500 spinaches, 2000 carrots and 2700 broccoli
Town council Green Valley
The organic baby food producer Albert Butter-Nut, has relocated his company
seat to Hedgerow Ville, because he heard that Green Valley has the tenderest
carrots and the juiciest spinach. He is now looking for local suppliers and
is asking for a trial-delivery of 3,500 spinach plants, 2,000 potatoes and
2,700 broccoli. You will receive 10,000 points in exchange.
QUEST 56 - 8500 tulips
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body There is always a reason to celebrate in Green Valley! Recent occasion
is the windmill party, that will be held to honor the 500-year-anniversary of
Green Valley's twin town Wortels aan Zee. Next to the specially erected
windmill, the organizers are planning to create a colorful tulip-bed. The
organizers need another 8,500 tulips, in order to complete their creation.
As a thank-you you will receive a fountain, handmade in Wortels aan Zee.
QUEST 55 - 5555 olives
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body The local gnome-mafia is asking for 5,555 Olives to secretly press their
greasing oil. For your services, you will receive a small plot, that you may
use as additional garden.
QUEST 54 - 7500 red currants, 5000 carrots and 500 walnuts
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body To celebrate gnome-mother's day, the town of Green Valley is baking a
load of muffins. The local bakery needs another 7500 currants, 5000 carrots
and 500 walnuts. They will pay you 33,333.00 gB.
QUEST 53 - 8000 tomatoes, 4000 peppers, 2000 onions and 800 olives
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Green Valley is expecting a visit by its twin town Bordeauxella. During
the reception, the guests shall be entertained to a meal of Ratatouille,
prepared in a gigantic pan. The chef needs another 8,000 tomatoes, 4,000
peppers, 2,000 onions and 800 olives. We'll pay you 15,000.00 gB on delivery.
QUEST 52 - 2000 lilies, 1000 orchids and 3000 roses
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body You are caught in the middle of a dispute between the town Green Valley
and the local gnome's syndicate. Unfortunately during the brawl, a tragic
accident occurred: Al Gardone senior was struck down by onion rings. To pay
our last respects, we need 2,000 lilies, 1,000 orchids and 3,000 roses.
QUEST 51 - 2200 walnuts, 500 olives and 500 sunflowers
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body To produce the delicious bread-spread "Gnomellaquot; we need the
following ingredients: 2200 walnuts, 500 olives and 500 sunflowers. You will
receive 88.888,00 gB.
QUEST 50 - 3500 cherries
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body This year, as every year, the traditional gnomish cherry pit spitting
competition will be held. To allow the participants to compete for the world
record in cherry pit spitting, the organizing committee still needs 3500
cherries. They'll pay you 70.000,00 gB.
QUEST 49 - 6000 cornflowers, 5000 marigolds and 2000 lilies
Subject Pastor of Green Valley
Body The annual gnomes' pilgrimage to Santiago de Flowerella will be
accompanied by flower-children during its first leg. Please help our
gnome-children by providing them with 6000 cornflowers, 5000 marigolds and
2000 lilies. You will receive 9000,00 gB and 11111 Points.
QUEST 48 - 1000 pumpkins, 2000 potatoes and 3000 sunflowers
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body The competition needs another 1000 pumpkins, 2000 potatoes and 3000
sunflowers to stage this sporting event. As a token of gratitude the
organizing committee will give you one of the scarecrows they use to mark
the throwing ranges.
QUEST 47 - 3333 plums and 666 walnuts
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body The society of unmanned she-gnomes is staging its annual single party
with a huge plum manikin crafting session. Unfortunately they are still
missing 3333 Plums and 666 Walnuts. You will receive 100.000,00 gB on delivery.
QUEST 46 - 4x footpath3
Subject Kindergarten
Body The local gnome kindergarten needs some new paving stones for a
hopscotch game. Please deliver 4x stonepaths 3.
QUEST 45 - 4000 apples
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body George Gnome needs new apple cider for his pub "The Flower Pot". Deliver
4000 apples to his Cider Mill. George Gnome is willing to offer you a shelf,
which you can use as additional storing space.
QUEST 44 - 2500 cauliflowers, 3000 potatoes, 2000 asparagus and 3500 onions
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body The Gardener's museum in Green Valley needs 2500 cauliflowers, 3000
potatoes, 2000 asparagus and 3000 onions for their newest exhibition.
You'll receive 8000,00 gB on delivery.
QUEST 43 - 1111 walnuts and 555 sunflowers
Subject Aunt Edna
Body Uncle Arnie has been asking for 1111 walnuts and 555 sunflowers for his
squirrels and his birdhouse. And I'm supposed to ask you if your squirrel
bite has finally started to heal. He'll pay you 27000,00 gB.
QUEST 42 - 1400 cherries
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body The midwife has run out of cherry pit pillows - just now that the
woman next door has had her quadruplets. Please deliver 1400 cherries to
the textile factory. They will pay you 15000,00 gB.
QUEST 41 - 2000 blueberries, 3000 strawberries, 1500 red currants and 500
Subject Aunt Edna
Body Uncle Arnie would like to make his delicious berry wine - but he still
needs a couple of ingredients. Could you help him out with 2000 blueberries,
3000 strawberries, 1500 red currants and 500 blackberries? Arnie will pay
you 4200,00 gB.
QUEST 40 - 888 plums
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Our dwarfs have eaten too much potting soil… and now we need 888
plums to have the soil removed. We'll pay you 16000,00 gB.
QUEST 39 - 2300 radishes, 1000 peppers, 2000 cucumbers and 1400 broccoli
Subject Aunt Edna
Body Hello, I am planning to throw a big vegetable party and need 2300
radishes, 1000 peppers, 2000 cucumbers and 1400 broccoli. I will pay you
2850,00 gB.
QUEST 38 - 1700 pears
Subject Restaurant Golden Sunset
Body The mayor is getting married and insists he needs to have Poires belle
Helene on his special day. The chef didn't really plan on that and now his
employees ended up having to stuff themselves with his Mousse au Chocolat.
Please deliver 1700 pears ASAP and you will receive 25000,00 gB.
QUEST 37 - a sitting area
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body The gardeners' society is expanding and needs your help. Please donate
a sitting area, so the gardeners can stop conducting their meetings on the
QUEST 36 - 1000 marigolds, 800 sunflowers, 800 roses and 1000 cauliflowers
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body We still need some plants for the garden festival in Green Valley.
Please deliver 1000 marigolds, 800 sunflowers, 800 roses and 1000 cauliflowers.
The organizers will pay you 3000,00 gB.
QUEST 35 - 500 blackberries, 1000 red currants and 200 blueberries
Subject Pastor of Green Valley
Body Hello, we'd like to throw a tea party in honor of the Gnomes of the World
foundation. To prepare the cakes we'll need a donation of 500 blackberries,
1000 red currants and 200 blueberries. We'll pay you 3000,00 gB.
QUEST 34 - 720 pumpkins
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body We urgently need 720 more pumpkins for the great Halloween party in
Green Valley. We'll pay you 4000,00 gB on delivery .
QUEST 33 - 3500 heads of lettuce, 6000 carrots and 1800 potatoes
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body A travelling circus has come to town and needs 3500 heads of lettuce,
6000 carrots and 1800 potatoes to feed the animals. Mighty Mark has agreed
to sculpt you a decorative rock for your garden.
QUEST 32 - 1100 mirabelles
Subject Restaurant Golden Sunset
Body We need 1100 mirabelles for the children at our party... and we
wouldn't even dream of using them for making mirabelle spirit... We'll
pay you 18500,00 gB.
QUEST 31 - 1000 raspberries, 1200 blackberries and 830 carrots
Subject University Green Valley
Body It's official Jam Day for the benefit of gnomes suffering from eating
disorders. Please deliver 1000 raspberries, 1200 blackberries and 830
carrots. You'll be paid 11500,00 gB.
QUEST 30 - 1100 sunflowers, 1200 marigolds and 1000 roses
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Green Valley's hippy community is celebrating its anniversary with a
gigantic flower festival. They'll need 1100 sunflowers, 1200 marigolds and
1000 roses and will pay you 1900,00 gB.
QUEST 29 - 2800 red currants
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Unbelievable how the old ladies get during their tea party with a rum
pie... you should have seen the ensuing pie fight! It's about time the
bakery started selling red currant pie instead. They are desperately hoping
for a delivery of 2800 red currants, so things will calm down a bit. They'll
pay you 5000,00 gB.
QUEST 28 - 1000 zucchinis and 2200 cucumbers
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Green Valley is celebrating its annual harvest festival. As respectable
community member you'd better send some vegetables as well - don't be such a
penny-pincher! 1000 zucchinis and 2200 cucumbers would be a good start,
we'll even pay you 1500,00 gB.
QUEST 27 - 1200 blackberries
Subject Restaurant Golden Sunset
Body Hello, we'd like to distil a couple of barrels of our famous blackberry
spirit and need 1200 blackberries. We'll pay you 9000,00 gB.
QUEST 26 - 1000 tomatoes, 2000 peppers, 600 onions and 1400 heads of lettuce
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body A Greek restaurant has opened just around the corner. The proprietor
needs the following vegetables for his open house party: 1000 tomatoes, 2000
peppers, 600 onions and 1400 heads of lettuce. You'll receive 4050,00 gB on
QUEST 25 - 2100 zucchinis
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body The town Green Valley is trying to break the world record for the
biggest zucchini pie. You can reap some of the glory by providing our chefs
with 2100 zucchinis belieferst. We'll pay you 5500,00 gB.
QUEST 24 - 1300 asparagus
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Green Valley is celebrating the beginning of this years' asparagus
season. Please send us 1300 asparagus for the festivities. We'll pay you
2650,00 gB.
QUEST 23 - 1900 eggplants and 2000 cucumber
Subject Restaurant Golden Sunset
Body We're planning to offer vegetable stew as dish of the day during the
Gardeners' Gathering. You have been chosen to deliver the necessary
ingredients, 1900 eggplants and 2000 cucumbers. You'll receive 4400,00 gB.
QUEST 22 - 1200 roses
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body To celebrate Valentine's Day we'd like to hire some gnomes to sell roses
in town. So they don't run out of roses we'll need another 1200 roses. We'll
pay you 1200,00 gB.
QUEST 21 - 500 peppers, 2000 lettuce, and 1100 of Spinach
Subject Pastor of Green Valley
Body Hello, we are collecting donations for "Gnomes in Need". Please help
those less fortunate than yourself by a donation of 500 peppers, 2000 heads
of lettuce and 1100 heads of Spinach.
QUEST 20 - 1600 carrots, 1600 cauliflowers, 1000 potatoes and 1600 broccoli
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body The salvation army is holding its annual open house today and is
offering a gigantic vegetable soup. Please deliver 1600 carrots, 1600
cauliflowers, 1000 potatoes and 1600 broccoli. We' ll pay you 4500,00 gB.
QUEST 19 - 900 Asparagus
Subject Kindergarten
Body Hello, we'd like to cook asparagus with our kids - do you have 900
asparagus to spare? We can't pay you anything, but one kid's parents have
promised to donate a foot path for your garden.
QUEST 18 - 1430 Peppers
Subject Restaurant Golden Sunset
Body We need your help! We've run out of hot peppers for our chili eating
contest. Since the competitors don't have any taste buds left anyway, send
1430 peppers, they won't even realize ... we'll pay you 2500,00 gB.
QUEST 17 - 4400 strawberries
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Green Valley will be competing against Hedgerow Ville during the big
bakery competition and we're in dire need of 4400 strawberries! We'll pay you
400,00 gB.
QUEST 16 - 2000 Potatoes
Subject Aunt Edna
Body Hello, I've been planning to make my special roast today and the entire
town has promised to come... Now I urgently need 2000 potatoes so I can
prepare the dumplings. Do you think you'll manage? I'll pay you 1800,00 gB.
QUEST 15 - 3000 Sunflowers
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body The local society for the prevention of cruelty to animals needs 3000
sunflowers to prepare bird feed for this winter. We'll pay you 900,00 gB.
QUEST 14 - 2010 Garlic
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Our gnomes have gotten sick and the local doctor has prescribed them a
garlic-cure. Please send us 2010 cloves of garlic. We'll pay you and the
doctor will donate some wooden balls for your garden.
QUEST 13 - 900 caultiflowers, 900 Spinach and 900 lettuce
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Have you heard of Kapi Regnum? They hardly have any vegetables left -
they're close to another severe famine! Please send 900 cauliflowers, 900
plants of spinach and 900 heads of lettuce. We'll pay you 1300,00 gB.
QUEST 12 - 1500 potatoes
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Potato famine in Kapilands! The entire potato harvest has been
spoiled! Please help the inhabitants and send them 1500 potatoes. You will
receive 2000,00 gB.
QUEST 11 - 3000 tomatoes and 600 onions
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body The entire community of Green Valley has been invited to the great
lasagnafeast. Since we only have one Italian restaurant (the one around the
corner) and the proprietor tends to complain, send him 3000 tomatoes and 600
onions. We'll pay you 600,00 gB.
QUEST 10 - 300 potatoes, 2400 onions, 500 radishes and 600 cucumbers
Subject Restaurant Golden Sunset
Body We need 300 potatoes, 2400 onions, 500 radishes and 600 cucumbers for
our special gnome potato salad. Well pay you 1400,00 gB.
QUEST 9 - 1600 Tomatoes
Subject Town council Green Valley
Body Have you been to Spain lately? Well, that doesn't matter, we're going
to stage our very own tomato battle on the market square. Send 1600 tomatoes to
the great tomato battle straight on the market place. You'll receive 200,00
QUEST 8 - 1500 Marigolds
Subject Kindergarten
Body To celebrate the beginning of spring, we'd like to bind some wreaths
with our children. Could you spare 1500 marigolds?
QUEST 7 - 5000 Spinach
Subject Town council Green Valley
To celebrate the opening night of our new blockbuster Pop Aye in style, we've
been planning a rain of spinach. Could you send us 5000 spinach plants?
Finely chopped and cleaned, please, we don't want the expensive gowns to be
ruined. We'll pay you 2700,00 gB and as additional incentive, we'll give you
a fountain to decorate your garden.
QUEST 6 - 1100 Potatoes
Subject Aunt Edna
Body Hello, I am planning to cook a strong potato soup for the homeless
shelter. Alas, I don't have enough potatoes. Could you send 1100
potatoes over? I will pay you 700,00 gB.
※ 编辑: Tzetze 来自: (08/15 16:01)