※ [本文转录自 MobileComm 看板 #1L-ioWAN ] 作者: alljerry04 (Jas) 看板: MobileComm 标题: [讨论] Apple 首款 Android App 惨遭一星轰炸 时间: Thu Sep 17 22:22:21 2015 Apple 首款在 Google Play 上上架的 Android App - Move to iOS, 是为了帮助 Android 使用者转移到 iOS 平台而开发的。 这两天上架后惨遭 Android 使用者一星轰炸,4,180 位评分已有 3,227 一星。 还不少人在留言处调侃 XD https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apple.movetoios Poor functionality I attempted to switch to ios (apparently zombies ate my brain) and my iPhone 3G would not accept my data. Also, my micro USB would not fit. 功能鸟鸟的,我尝试转移到 iOS (显然有僵尸吃了我的脑)结果我的 iPhone 3G 并不能接收我的资料,而且我的 MicroUSB 线插不进去 Dear Apple I downloaded this application with hopes of switching over to Ios from android. I've burned all my pencils since the only worthy writing tool is the holy apple pencil. I've decided to sell one of my kidneys, because I need that gold apple watch. And now I gotta have the iPhone 6s, because 3d touch just sounds like an intimate way to get to know my phone. Hope to throw my money at you soon sincerely- Mr. Complete Sarcasm 亲爱的苹果,我下载了这个 App 希望可以从 Android 转移到 iOS。 我已经将我的铅笔都烧毁了,因为这世界上只有神圣的 Apple Pencil 值得 用来书写。 我决定卖掉我一颗肾,因为我需要一支金色的 Apple Watch, 而且我必须要有一台 iPhone 6s,因为 3D Touch 听起来就像是用来了解 我的手机用的一种亲密方式。 希望我可以尽快把钱丢给你。 你诚挚的 完全讽刺先生 Stay Away from this app unless you are ready to live rest of your life without one kidney. I installed it on my new Xperia M4 Aqua dual and it suggested me to buy two iphone6 plus since i've been using dual sim handset. Not worth it. 离这款 App 远一点,除非你准备好下半辈子只有一颗肾。 我将它安装在我新的 Xperia M4 Aqua dual 上,然后它建议我买两支 iPhone 6 Plus,就因为我用了台双卡手机。不值得。