Phater (肥特)
2015-01-09 16:23:05Conan秀: Maggie Grace: Liam Neeson Prank-Called My Ex-Boyfriend
http://youtu.be/jjNyn0Ad1P0?t=1m4s (电话录音开始)
Maggie Grace今晚上Conan来帮Taken 3打片. 她谈到跟Liam Neeson在九年来合作
三部电影,无形之间两人好像真的成了父女. Liam知道Maggie被前男友甩了很伤心,
This is Brian Mills (Taken中的主角名)
We've never met, and if you play your cards right, we never will.
(我们没见过面. 如果你照子放亮点的话,我就放你一马)
Now listen, *beep*. You're lower than the pond scum, so I'm just gonna say this
You've made two mistakes - Your first mistake was dating out of your league.
(你犯了两个错误. 第一个是你癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉)
Your second mistake -well-
Let's just say any more mistakes and I'll break your other arm -slowly-
I don't need to say it, but I have a particular set of skills.
And I don't waant to waste them on you.
Now you get your shit together.
Good luck.