reveriona (Reveriona)
2023-02-21 14:25:57job版禁止张贴违反“就业服务法”、“性别平等工作法”、“劳基法”与其他法律之文章
【公司名称】 香港商旭昶香港有限公司台湾分公司 Teamson Group
【工作职缺】Global Key Account Executive
Key responsibilities:
1. Sales Management
‧ Perform market insight analysis for new region assessment
‧ Explore new territory and work independently with cross function teams
(supply planner /ops / customer care / IT) to establish all fundamental work
for new regions
‧ Maintain current B2C / B2B clients businesses on new / existing regions
‧ Collaborate with e-com buyers on promotional activities to drive sales
and negotiate favorable terms of cooperation.
‧ Trade marketing tasks: SEO keyword optimization, obtain favorable
placements in search results, ensure Teamson brands are displayed in
prominent locations on sales channels, etc.
‧ Propose and execute marketing activities and promotional offers
according to sales performance analysis.
‧ Resolve issues related to sales, the shipping delivery, sales
deductions, margin control, customer satisfaction, vendor enquiries, etc.
2. Sales Analysis and Report
‧ Provide regular reports on sales performance across all channels and
analyze market trends.
‧ Make periodical sales forecast to help optimize supply replenishment
process and improve sales in stock rate.
‧ Anticipate and prepare for regular sales meetings across different
function teams.
3. Cross-department Collaboration
‧ Give feedback to the Brand and Production Team on market trends and
consumer preferences in order to improve product line.
‧ Communicate with cross function/region teams to coordinate and improve
the sales / shipping associated metrics
‧ Proactively seek for opinions / suggestion from internal / external
teams and engage more potential sales opportunities
‧ Assist in all sales related efforts.
1. 目标销售市场开发及维护
a. 对接美洲地区主要关键客户,维护客户关系以及洽谈参与各项指标性活动档期规划
b. 制定新品上市推广、既有产品销售策略
c. 年度预算每月库存、利润分析及控管
d. 执行每月销售、库存预测以增进活化现金流
e. 主要目标电商客户平台管理、维护以及计画执行
f. 商品文案以及SEO管理、最佳化以及主要市场竞品分析
g. 最佳化平台站内、站外广告投放、策略分析
h. 拟定绩效达成策略、提供定期与不定期之销售分析报告
2. a. 跨部门及跨国协作管理
b. 定期与不定期与品牌经理、供应链部门协作完成各项专案
c. 与跨国同事沟通专案协作, idea发想
d. 与不同部门之间讨论、分析以及整合沟通
3. Who you are:
a 热爱挑战、抗压性高、喜欢电子商务领域
b. 喜欢与人沟通、与全世界主流电子商务公司接洽并学习电商运营
c. 擅长独立作业且同时具备团队协作之能力
4. 主动细心,愿意尝试新领域以及新市场开发
工作经历: 1年以上
学历要求: 大学以上