Jayyng (御枫)
2018-10-25 20:32:52job版禁止张贴违反“就业服务法”、“性别平等工作法”、“劳基法”与其他法律之文
【公司名称 Company Name】
VirtualJoy Interactive Co., Ltd.
【工作职缺 Job Vacancies】
Recruiting Social Media (APP) Operation Manager
【工作内容 Job Descriptions】
‧ Team Building 团队带领与建立:
Team Building & Leading:
o 与其它海外部门协作,为推广APP产品做战略及规划
Collaborate with overseas departments to develop strategies and plan promoting
APP products
o 组织人力,定义团队工作描述、分工及成员招募
Organize manpower, define team members’ job descriptions and recruitment
o 寻找并维护与Influencer的关系
Find and maintain Influencers’ relationship
o 内部Knowledge update及训练制度
Internal team knowledge update and establish training system
‧ Solution Development 营销方案发展:
Marketing Solution Development:
o 与总管理部门协作,基于行销战略,与Influencer沟通内容营销与议价
Collaborate with Central Administration Management Department to communicate w
ith content marketing and negotiate with Influencers on content marketing and
o 根据目标族群,基于直销模式下,按阶段寻找新的种子业务用户,给予培训及激励
Regarding with target group, based on the direct sales model, finding new seed
business users in different business stage. Giving training and incentive pr
o 新广告行销方式的评估及合作伙伴建议
Evaluate new advertising methods and new partner recommendations
‧ 资源整合协作:
Resource integration collaboration:
o 外部资源策略合作伙伴评估及模式建立:包含Influencer关系维护及数据观察等
Evaluate external resource strategic partners and establish new models: includ
ing Influencers’ relationship maintenance and data analysis, … etc.
o 外部业务人员的培训,以及资源提供协助
Training external businessman resource and providing resource with assistance.
o 内部跨部门资源整合:包含内部签约创作者,以及其他创作者及内容服务的整合
Integration of internal cross-departmental resource: including internal contra
ct creators, as well as other creators and content services Integration
‧ 英文听读无碍,具中英双母语能力为佳,最好具有与欧美人士工作经验;
Fluent English speaking and listening. Having both Chinese and English as nati
ve speakers is a plus.
It is Better to have working experience with European and American people.
‧ 经常使用各种英语系的社交平台工具,有社交网站运营经验者为佳
Using variety of English social platform tools and familiar with social media
o 网络社群FB/IG/Youtube 等重度使用者,对网络内容行销具高度热情
Heavy users between online community like Facebook / IG/ YouTube.
With highly enthusiastic in online content marketing.
o 不排斥海外成人情色社群的的research研究
Willing to research the overseas web community which may contains adult erotic
o 定期追踪网红KOL List
Regularly tracking internet celebrity KOL List
‧ 具备品牌数位行销企划能力与相关经验
Having brand digital marketing capability and related experience
‧ 至少具备3年以上网络行销相关工作经验,特别是网红行销,话题口碑操作经验尤佳
+3 years working experience in online marketing.
Especially internet celebrity marketing and Word-of-Mouth marketing (WOM(M) op
eration experience
‧ 了解直销机制,曾经参与过直销公司者经验者为佳;
Understanding direct sales mechanism. Experience in participating direct sales
companies is preferred
‧ 网络及电脑工具使用操作能力佳,了解G-suite,曾经使用过slack协同工作者,能做
Capable in network and computer software like Word, Excel. Understanding G-su
ite. Experience in using Slack collaborative software
‧ 对数字数据敏锐、对于广告投放后的数据追踪有经验者为佳;
Familiar with digital data and who have experience in data tracking after adve
【工作地点 Workplace】
Rm B, 6th Floor, No.1, Sec.1, Dunhua South Rd, Song Shan District, Taipei City
【工作时间 Working Hours】
10:00-19:00(Flexible working hours)
周休二日 Two days off a week
【公司福利 Welfare】
‧ 年终奖金 + 中秋礼金0.5个月 + 端午礼金0.5个月
Bonus + Mid-Autumn Festival bonus 0.5 months + Dragon Boat Festival bonus 0.5
● Operating dividends: TBD
【薪资范围 Salary Range】
年薪 840K - 1000K以上
Annual salary 840K – 1,000K+
【需求人数 Required Employee Numbers】
【联络人/连络方式 Contact Person】
请注明您要应征的职位,并将您的履历寄至[email protected]
Please indicate the position you are applying for and send your resume to hr.n
[email protected]
【其他备注 Remarks】