[海外] [新加坡] 南洋理工大学/研究员

楼主: kamenrider (ㄟ)   2017-10-14 20:20:47
※ 请各位资方配合遵守。
专业要求:资讯工程、工业工程等相关科系,大学, 硕士或博士学历
研究方向:Cyber Physical System for a Smart Factory (制造2025 & 工业4.0)
基本需求:熟悉数据库设计与开发、制造执行系统 (MES)实施与管理,(大学 & 硕士)至少2年工作经验
Operations Researcher/System Analyst/Software Developer for the Cyber Physical System of a Smart Factory
A research fellow/research associate/project officer position is available at Singapore Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The project focuses on the development of cyber physical systems for a smart factory. Potential candidates should be familiar with programming, algorithm development, database and the interface with manufacturing execution systems. The position is initially for one year with the possibility of renewal. The candidate with a long term commitment is preferred.
The position is part of an industrial project at NTU seeking to realize the vision of Industry 4.0. Applicants must be capable of conducting project independently with vast programming experience. The ideal applicant should be highly motivated, able to interact with other people. A Bachelor, MS or PhD degree in computer science, information system, operations research or industrial engineering is required.
1) Bachelor, MS or PhD degree in computer science, operations research or industrial engineering
2) Solid programming/coding skill and skillful in C#, JAVA and ASP.NET
3) Familiar with database, data structure and the interface with manufacturing execution systems
4) At least 2 years of practical experience for the Bachelor and MS degrees holders
5) A bachelor degree from a prestigious university is required.
This is a full time job at NTU in Singapore. The salary is competitive. This is a great opportunity for someone who likes to solve challenging problems in practice. If interested, please send your CV, transcripts and a brief biography to Dr. Kan Wu ([email protected]).
【工作时间】8:30 ~ 17:30
【月休】周休二日 无需轮班
【薪资范围】$2800~5000 SGD per month
【联络人/连络方式】Dr. Kan Wu ([email protected])

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