我照着youtube上的教学安装了eclipse和tomcat V9.0 确定在浏览器上打127.0.0.1:8081会显示: "If you're seeing this, you've successfully installed Tomcat. Congratulations!" 可是不管我怎么设定,eclipse JEE 就是没办法跑server, 会出现错误讯息: "Starting Tomcat V9.0 Server at local host has encountered a problem." "This server cannot be started because one or more of the ports are invalid. Open the server editor and correct the invalid ports." 请问这该如何解决呢? 2019/08/25 问题解决,按照以下这影片, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkDPl8k7MKk 先谢谢各位热心解答,小弟感激不尽。